PHP warning

file_get_contents(/mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/permission/upload/themes/question/List-Radio-Test-2/survey/questions/answer/listradio/config.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory


637     {
638         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
639         //            $criteria->condition = 'extends = :extends';
640         $criteria->addCondition('visible = :visible', 'AND');
641         $criteria->params = [':visible' => 'Y'];
643         $baseQuestions = self::model()->query($criteria, true, false);
645         $bOldEntityLoaderState = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
646         $baseQuestionsModified = [];
647         foreach ($baseQuestions as $baseQuestion) {
648             //TODO: should be moved into DB column (question_theme_settings table)
649             $sQuestionConfigFile = file_get_contents(App()->getConfig('rootdir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $baseQuestion['xml_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.xml');  // @see: Now that entity loader is disabled, we can't use simplexml_load_file; so we must read the file with file_get_contents and convert it as a string
650             $oQuestionConfig = simplexml_load_string($sQuestionConfigFile);
651             $questionEngineData = json_decode(json_encode($oQuestionConfig->engine), true);
652             $showAsQuestionType = $questionEngineData['show_as_question_type'];
654             // if an extended Question should not be shown as a selectable questiontype skip it
655             if (!empty($baseQuestion['extends'] && !$showAsQuestionType)) {
656                 continue;
657             }
659             // language settings
660             $baseQuestion['title'] = gT($baseQuestion['title'], "html");
661             $baseQuestion['group'] = gT($baseQuestion['group'], "html");

Stack Trace

 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/permission/application/models/QuestionTheme.php(649): file_get_contents("/mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/permission/upload/themes/question/L...")
645         $bOldEntityLoaderState = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
646         $baseQuestionsModified = [];
647         foreach ($baseQuestions as $baseQuestion) {
648             //TODO: should be moved into DB column (question_theme_settings table)
649             $sQuestionConfigFile = file_get_contents(App()->getConfig('rootdir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $baseQuestion['xml_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.xml');  // @see: Now that entity loader is disabled, we can't use simplexml_load_file; so we must read the file with file_get_contents and convert it as a string
650             $oQuestionConfig = simplexml_load_string($sQuestionConfigFile);
651             $questionEngineData = json_decode(json_encode($oQuestionConfig->engine), true);
652             $showAsQuestionType = $questionEngineData['show_as_question_type'];
654             // if an extended Question should not be shown as a selectable questiontype skip it
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/permission/application/controllers/admin/useraction.php(721): QuestionTheme::findAllQuestionMetaDataForSelector()
717         $currentPreselectedQuestiontype = array_key_exists('preselectquestiontype', $aUserSettings) ? $aUserSettings['preselectquestiontype'] : App()->getConfig('preselectquestiontype');
719         $aData['currentPreselectedQuestiontype'] = $currentPreselectedQuestiontype;
720         $aData['aUserSettings'] = $aUserSettings;
721         $aData['aQuestionTypeList'] = QuestionTheme::findAllQuestionMetaDataForSelector();
722         $aData['selectedQuestion'] = QuestionTheme::findQuestionMetaData($currentPreselectedQuestiontype);
724         $aData['surveymenu_data']['model'] = $oSurveymenu;
725         $aData['surveymenuentry_data']['model'] = $oSurveymenuEntries;
726         // Render personal settings view
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/permission/application/core/Survey_Common_Action.php(86): CAction->runWithParamsInternal(UserAction, ReflectionMethod, array("r" => "admin/user/sa/personalsettings", "sa" => "personalsettings"))
81             $oMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this, $sDefault);
82         }
84         // We're all good to go, let's execute it
85         // runWithParamsInternal would automatically get the parameters of the method and populate them as required with the params
86         return parent::runWithParamsInternal($this, $oMethod, $params);
87     }
89     /**
90      * Some functions have different parameters, which are just an alias of the
91      * usual parameters we're getting in the url. This function just populates
2020-10-30 15:19:15 nginx/1.18.0 Yii Framework/1.1.22-dev