
Column name must be either a string or an array.


819             }
820             if(count($values)===1)
821             {
822                 $entries=array();
823                 foreach($values[0] as $name=>$value)
824                     $entries[]=$prefix.$table->columns[$name]->rawName.($value===null?' IS NULL':'='.$value);
825                 return implode(' AND ',$entries);
826             }
828             return $this->createCompositeInCondition($table,$values,$prefix);
829         }
830         else
831             throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','Column name must be either a string or an array.'));
832     }
834     /**
835      * Generates the expression for selecting rows with specified composite key values.
836      * @param CDbTableSchema $table the table schema
837      * @param array $values list of primary key values to be selected within
838      * @param string $prefix column prefix (ended with dot)
839      * @return string the expression for selection
840      */
841     protected function createCompositeInCondition($table,$values,$prefix)
842     {
843         $keyNames=array();

Stack Trace

 E:\WebSite\limesurvey\application\helpers\expressions\em_manager_helper.php(5607): CActiveRecord->findByPk("16")
5602                     }
5603                 }
5605                 if (isset($_SESSION[$this->sessid]['srid']) && $this->surveyOptions['active'])
5606                 {
5607                     $oResponse = Response::model($this->sid)->findByPk($_SESSION[$this->sessid]['srid']);
5608                     if (empty($oResponse)) {
5609                         // This can happen if admin deletes incomple response while survey is running.
5610                         $message = submitfailed('', $this->gT('Error on response update'));
5611                         LimeExpressionManager::addFrontendFlashMessage('error', $message, $this->sid);
5612                         return;
 E:\WebSite\limesurvey\application\helpers\expressions\em_manager_helper.php(5321): LimeExpressionManager->_UpdateValuesInDatabase()
5316                             continue;
5317                         }
5318                         else
5319                         {
5320                             // display new group
5321                             $message .= $LEM->_UpdateValuesInDatabase();
5322                             $LEM->runtimeTimings[] = array(__METHOD__,(microtime(true) - $now));
5323                             $LEM->lastMoveResult = array(
5324                                 'finished'=>false,
5325                                 'message'=>$message,
5326                                 'gseq'=>$LEM->currentGroupSeq,
 E:\WebSite\limesurvey\application\helpers\SurveyRuntimeHelper.php(828): LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards()
823                     $this->aMoveResult = false; // so display welcome page again
824                 }
825             }
827             if ($this->sMove == "movenext") {
828                 $this->aMoveResult = LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards();
829             }
831             if (($this->sMove == 'movesubmit')) {
832                 if ($this->sSurveyMode == 'survey') {
833                     $this->aMoveResult = LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards();
2021-03-26 11:26:56 Microsoft-IIS/10.0 Yii Framework/1.1.22-dev