id related_id class type/scale name relevance text help language validation mandatory encrypted other default same_default allowed_filetypes alphasort answer_width answer_width_bycolumn array_filter array_filter_exclude array_filter_style assessment_value category_separator choice_input_columns choice_title commented_checkbox commented_checkbox_auto cssclass date_format date_max date_min display_columns display_rows display_type dropdown_dates dropdown_dates_minute_step dropdown_dates_month_style dropdown_prefix dropdown_prepostfix dropdown_separators dropdown_size dualscale_headerA dualscale_headerB em_validation_q em_validation_q_tip em_validation_sq em_validation_sq_tip equals_num_value equation exclude_all_others exclude_all_others_auto hidden hide_tip input_boxes input_size label_input_columns location_city location_country location_defaultcoordinates location_mapheight location_mapservice location_mapwidth location_mapzoom location_nodefaultfromip location_postal location_state max_answers max_filesize max_num_of_files max_num_value max_num_value_n max_subquestions maximum_chars min_answers min_num_of_files min_num_value min_num_value_n multiflexible_checkbox multiflexible_max multiflexible_min multiflexible_step num_value_int_only numbers_only other_comment_mandatory other_numbers_only other_replace_text page_break parent_order placeholder prefix printable_help public_statistics random_group random_order rank_title repeat_headings reverse samechoiceheight samelistheight scale_export show_comment show_grand_total show_title show_totals showpopups slider_accuracy slider_custom_handle slider_default slider_default_set slider_handle slider_layout slider_max slider_middlestart slider_min slider_orientation slider_rating slider_reset slider_reversed slider_separator slider_showminmax statistics_graphtype statistics_showgraph statistics_showmap suffix text_input_columns text_input_width time_limit time_limit_action time_limit_countdown_message time_limit_disable_next time_limit_disable_prev time_limit_message time_limit_message_delay time_limit_message_style time_limit_timer_style time_limit_warning time_limit_warning_2 time_limit_warning_2_display_time time_limit_warning_2_message time_limit_warning_2_style time_limit_warning_display_time time_limit_warning_message time_limit_warning_style use_dropdown value_range_allows_missing S sid 158192 S gsid 1 S admin inherit S adminemail inherit S anonymized Y S faxto S format I S savetimings I S template fruity S language en S additional_languages S datestamp I S usecookie I S allowregister N S allowsave I S autonumber_start 0 S autoredirect I S allowprev I S printanswers I S ipaddr I S ipanonymize I S refurl I S showsurveypolicynotice 0 S publicstatistics I S publicgraphs I S listpublic I S htmlemail Y S sendconfirmation Y S tokenanswerspersistence N S assessments I S usecaptcha E S usetokens N S bounce_email inherit S attributedescriptions S emailresponseto inherit S emailnotificationto inherit S tokenlength 15 S showxquestions I S showgroupinfo I S shownoanswer I S showqnumcode I S bouncetime 0 S bounceprocessing N S bounceaccounttype S bounceaccounthost S bounceaccountpass S bounceaccountencryption S bounceaccountuser S showwelcome I S showprogress I S questionindex -1 S navigationdelay -1 S nokeyboard I S alloweditaftercompletion N S googleanalyticsstyle 0 S googleanalyticsapikey S tokenencryptionoptions SL surveyls_survey_id 158192 en SL surveyls_language en en SL surveyls_title "Sample LimeSurvey EN/FR/DE/IT" en SL surveyls_description "This survey show all question type of LimeSurvey with some option" en SL surveyls_welcometext "

This is the welcome text for the survey! You can can edit it in the survey properties.

" en SL surveyls_endtext "

This is the end message for the survey! A good place to thank you to answer to this survey.

" en SL surveyls_policy_notice en SL surveyls_policy_error en SL surveyls_policy_notice_label en SL surveyls_url en SL surveyls_urldescription "The end URL description of your survey. This URL can be automatically load when survey is completed." en SL surveyls_email_invite_subj "Invitation to participate in survey" en SL surveyls_email_invite "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

You have been invited to participate in a survey.

The survey is titled:


To participate, please click on the link below.



Click here to do the survey:

If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:
{OPTOUTURL}" en SL surveyls_email_remind_subj "Reminder to participate in survey" en SL surveyls_email_remind "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

Recently we invited you to participate in a survey.

We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.

The survey is titled:


To participate, please click on the link below.



Click here to do the survey:

If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:
{OPTOUTURL}" en SL surveyls_email_register_subj "Survey registration confirmation" en SL surveyls_email_register "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.

To complete this survey, click on the following URL:


If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}." en SL surveyls_email_confirm_subj "Confirmation of completed survey" en SL surveyls_email_confirm "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

This email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.

If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}.


{ADMINNAME}" en SL surveyls_dateformat 5 en SL email_admin_notification_subj "Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME}" en SL email_admin_notification "Hello,

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Click the following link to reload the survey:

Click the following link to see the individual response:

Click the following link to edit the individual response:

View statistics by clicking here:
{STATISTICSURL}" en SL email_admin_responses_subj "Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} with results" en SL email_admin_responses "Hello,

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Click the following link to reload the survey:

Click the following link to see the individual response:

Click the following link to edit the individual response:

View statistics by clicking here:

The following answers were given by the participant:
{ANSWERTABLE}" en SL surveyls_numberformat 0 en 43 G 0 "Text question" "This is the description for text question group." en 722 Q S S "Short free text" "This is the help text" en N N N 0 723 Q T T "Long free text" en N N N 0 724 Q U H "Huge free text" en N N N 0 725 Q S S1 "Short free text (Numbers only)" en N N N 0 1 726 Q T T1 "Long free text (Input box width :3, Display rows : 2 , Maximum characters : 6)" en N N N 0 2 6 3 727 Q Q Q "Multiple short text" en N N N 0 806 SQ SQ01 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 807 SQ SQ02 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 808 SQ SQ03 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 809 SQ SQ04 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 728 Q Q Q1 "Multiple short text (Display rows : 2, Random answer order)" en N N N 0 2 1 810 SQ SQ01 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 811 SQ SQ02 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 812 SQ SQ03 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 813 SQ SQ04 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 729 Q Q M2 "Multiple short text, with long answers (Maximum characters: 2, Numbers only, Input box width : 2)" en N N N 0 2 1 3 843 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 844 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 845 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 846 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 752 Q ; AT "Array Texts" "This is an array question" en N N N 0 814 SQ SQY01 "Some example subquestion - Y" en N N 0 818 SQ 1 SQX01 "Some example subquestion - X" en N N 0 815 SQ SQY02 "New answer subquestion - Y" en N N 0 819 SQ 1 SQX02 "New answer subquestion - X" en N N 0 816 SQ SQY03 "Third subquestion - Y" en N N 0 820 SQ 1 SQX03 "Third subquestion - X" en N N 0 817 SQ SQY04 "Last subquestion - Y" en N N 0 821 SQ 1 SQX04 "Last subquestion - X" en N N 0 44 G 1 "Numeric question" "This is the description for numeric question group." en 730 Q N N "Numerical input" en N N N 0 731 Q K MN "Multiple numerical input" en N N N 0 847 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 848 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 849 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 850 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 732 Q K MNM "Multiple numerical input (Minimum sum value : 3, Maximum sum value : 10, Maximum characters :1 )" "Can use value from precedent question with EM" en N N N 0 10 1 3 779 SQ SQ001 Apples en N N 0 780 SQ SQ002 Oranges en N N 0 781 SQ SQ003 Bananas en N N 0 733 Q K Q2 "Multiple numerical input (Use slider layout, Slider accuracy : 0.1, min and max value, use of text separator )" en N N N 0 0.1 5 1 10 1 1 1 822 SQ SQ01 "Some example subquestion|less|more" en N N 0 823 SQ SQ02 "New answer subquestion|less|more" en N N 0 824 SQ SQ03 "Third subquestion|less|more" en N N 0 825 SQ SQ04 "Last subquestion|less|more" en N N 0 753 Q : ANT "Array numbers (text input)" "This is an array type question" en N N N 0 1 786 SQ 1 SQX01 "X-axis example subquestion" en N N 0 790 SQ SQY01 "Y-axis example subquestion" en N N 0 787 SQ 1 SQX02 "X-axis new answer subquestion" en N N 0 791 SQ SQY02 "Y-axis new answer subquestion" en N N 0 788 SQ 1 SQX03 "X-axis third subquestion" en N N 0 792 SQ SQY03 "Y-axis third subquestion" en N N 0 789 SQ 1 SQX04 "X-axis last subquestion" en N N 0 793 SQ SQY04 "Y-axis last subquestion" en N N 0 45 G 2 "Single choice question" "The single choice questions group description" en 734 Q Y Y Yes/No en N N N 0 735 Q G G Gender en N N N 0 736 Q 5 q5 "5 point choice" en N N N 0 737 Q I I "Language switch" "

This question change the language of the actual survey : don't use for other thing.

It can be interesting to use it at survey start

" en N N N 0 758 Q ! ldd "List dropdown (default option)" en N N N A0 1 758 A 0 A1 "Some example answer option" en 1 758 A 0 A2 "New answer option" en 1 758 A 0 A0 "Default option" en 1 758 A 0 A3 "Third answer option" en 1 758 A 0 A4 "Last answer option" en 1 738 Q ! ldc "List dropdown (with category)" en N N N 0 - 738 A 0 A11 "first category - Some example answer option" en 1 738 A 0 A12 "first category - New answer option" en 1 738 A 0 A13 "first category - Third answer option" en 1 738 A 0 A14 "first category - Last answer option" en 1 738 A 0 A21 "second category - Some example answer option" en 1 738 A 0 A22 "second category - New answer option" en 1 738 A 0 A23 "second category - Third answer option" en 1 738 A 0 A24 "second category - Last answer option" en 1 739 Q L L "List radio" en N N Y 0 1 1 739 A 0 A1 "Some example answer option" en 1 739 A 0 A2 "New answer option" en 1 739 A 0 A0 "Default option" en 1 739 A 0 A3 "Third answer option" en 1 739 A 0 A4 "Last answer option" en 1 740 Q O O "List radio with comment" en N N N 0 740 A 0 A1 "Some example answer option" en 1 740 A 0 A2 "New answer option" en 1 740 A 0 A0 "Default option" en 1 740 A 0 A3 "Third answer option" en 1 740 A 0 A4 "Last answer option" en 1 744 Q D D Date en N N N 0 745 Q D D1 "Date (Display select boxes , year Maximum and Minimum)" en N N N 0 (date('y-m-d')) 1910-01-01 1 751 Q X X "Next is the array single choice question type" "This is a boilerplate question, we use it to make a separation" en N N N 0 747 Q F F Array en N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 826 SQ SQ01 "Some example subquestion|right" en N N 0 827 SQ SQ02 "New answer subquestion|right" en N N 0 828 SQ SQ03 "Third subquestion|right" en N N 0 829 SQ SQ04 "Last subquestion|right" en N N 0 747 A 0 A1 "Some example answer option" en 1 747 A 0 A2 "New answer option" en 1 747 A 0 A3 "Third answer option" en 1 747 A 0 A4 "Last answer option" en 1 756 Q H abc "Array by column" "Same question than before, just the orientation has changed" en N N N 0 851 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 852 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 853 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 854 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 756 A 0 A1 "Some example answer option" en 1 756 A 0 A2 "New answer option" en 1 756 A 0 A3 "Third answer option" en 1 756 A 0 A4 "Last answer option" en 1 748 Q A A "Array 5 point choice" en N N N 0 855 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 856 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 857 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 858 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 749 Q B B "Array 10 point choice" en N N N 0 859 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 860 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 861 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 862 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 750 Q E E "Array (Increase/Same/Decrease)" en N N N 0 863 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 864 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 865 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 866 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 759 Q C C "Array Yes/No/Uncertain" en N N N 0 867 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 868 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 869 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 870 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 755 Q 1 dual "Array dual scale" en N N N 0 "Scale A" "Scale B" 871 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 872 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 873 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 874 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 755 A 1 A21 "Some example answer scale 2" en 1 755 A 0 A11 "Some example answer option - scale 1" en 1 755 A 1 A22 "New answer scale 2" en 1 755 A 0 A12 "New answer option - scale 1" en 1 755 A 0 A13 "Third answer option - scale 1" en 1 755 A 1 A23 "Third answer scale 2" en 1 755 A 0 A14 "Last answer option - scale 1" en 1 755 A 1 A24 "Last answer scale 2" en 1 778 Q 1 q12 "Array dual scale (dropdown)" en N N N 0 "Scale A" "Scale B" 1 875 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 876 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 877 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 878 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 778 A 0 A11 "Some example answer option - scale 1" en 1 778 A 1 A21 "Some example answer scale 2" en 1 778 A 0 A12 "New answer option - scale 1" en 1 778 A 1 A22 "New answer scale 2" en 1 778 A 0 A13 "Third answer option - scale 1" en 1 778 A 1 A23 "Third answer scale 2" en 1 778 A 0 A14 "Last answer option - scale 1" en 1 778 A 1 A24 "Last answer scale 2" en 1 757 Q : AN "Array number ( Minimum: -2, Maximum: 2, step : 2)" "Number entry but like unique choice entry." en N N N 0 2 -2 2 798 SQ 1 SQX01 "Some example subquestion - X-Scale" en N N 0 839 SQ SQY01 "Some example subquestion - Y-scale" en N N 0 799 SQ 1 SQX02 "New answer subquestion - X-Scale" en N N 0 840 SQ SQY02 "New answer subquestion - Y-scale" en N N 0 800 SQ 1 SQX03 "Third subquestion - X-Scale" en N N 0 841 SQ SQY03 "Third subquestion - Y-scale" en N N 0 801 SQ 1 SQX04 "Last subquestion - X-Scale" en N N 0 842 SQ SQY04 "Last subquestion - Y-scale" en N N 0 46 G 3 "Multi choice question" "This is the description for multi choice question" en 741 Q M M "Multiple options" en N N Y 0 1 879 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 880 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 881 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 882 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 742 Q M moe "Multiple option (with exclusive option)" en Y N N 0 SQ05 830 SQ SQ01 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 831 SQ SQ02 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 832 SQ SQ03 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 833 SQ SQ04 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 834 SQ SQ05 "Exclusive option" en N N 0 743 Q P K "Multiple option with comments (default answers and 1 Minimum Answer)" en N N N 0 1 782 SQ SQ001 "LimeSurvey is great because " en N N Y 0 783 SQ SQ002 "LimeSurvey is best than " en N N Y 0 784 SQ SQ003 "LimeSurvey is beautiful like " en N N Y 0 785 SQ SQ004 "LimeSurvey is easy like " en N N Y 0 761 Q X XB "If some question have the same option, you can use array to show a question list." "A boiler plate question" en N N N 0 754 Q : arn "Array Numbers (Checkbox layout)" en N N N 0 1 794 SQ 1 SQX01 "Some example subquestion - X-Scale" en N N 0 835 SQ SQY01 "Some example subquestion - Y Scale" en N N 0 795 SQ 1 SQX02 "New answer subquestion - X-Scale" en N N 0 836 SQ SQY02 "New answer subquestion - Y Scale" en N N 0 796 SQ 1 SQX03 "Third subquestion - X-Scale" en N N 0 837 SQ SQY03 "Third subquestion - Y Scale" en N N 0 797 SQ 1 SQX04 "Last subquestion - X-Scale" en N N 0 838 SQ SQY04 "Last subquestion - Y Scale" en N N 0 762 Q X XC "Multichoice question with ranking option" en N N N 0 746 Q R R Ranking en N N N 0 4 746 A 0 A1 "Some example answer option" en 1 746 A 0 A2 "New answer option" en 1 746 A 0 A3 "Third answer option" en 1 746 A 0 A4 "Last answer option" en 1 760 Q R R1 "Ranking (minimum and maximum answer)" en N N N 0 2 4 2 1 760 A 0 A1 "Some example answer option" en 1 760 A 0 A2 "New answer option" en 1 760 A 0 A3 "Third answer option" en 1 760 A 0 A4 "Last answer option" en 1 47 G 4 "Condition and scenario" "

LimeSurvey can use a lot of condition and filter to show or hide question. You an use AND or OR condition. You can use previous question answers and tokens.

More information : Conditions Engine and expression manager

" en 763 Q Y QC "A Yes/No non mandatory question to show or hide next question." en N N N 0 764 Q X QCYes "((QC.NAOK == ""Y""))" "This is displayed only if you select yes." "You can use all question type of LimeSurvey." en N N N 0 29 763 C 1 158192X47X763 '== Y 765 Q X QCNo "((QC.NAOK == ""N""))" "This is displayed only if you select no." "You can use all question type of LimeSurvey" en N N N 0 30 763 C 1 158192X47X763 '== N 766 Q X QCDefault ((is_empty(QC.NAOK))) "This is displayed only if no answer is checked. (by default)" "You can use all question type of LimeSurvey." en N N N 0 31 763 C 1 158192X47X763 '== 775 Q X QEMYes "QC.NAOK == ""Y""" "This is displayed only if you select yes." "Using Expression manager" en N N N 0 776 Q X QEMNo "QC.NAOK == ""N""" "This is displayed only if you select no." "Using Expression Manager" en N N N 0 777 Q X QEMDefault is_empty(QC.NAOK) "This is displayed only if no answer is checked. (by default)" "Using Expression manager" en N N N 0 767 Q M QCS1 "For complex condition , you can use scenario." en N N N 0 1 802 SQ SH101 "display question 1" en N N 0 803 SQ SH102 "display question 2" en N N 0 768 Q M QCS2 "Display question 1 and 2 under condition." "We use scenario to have OR condition." en N N N 0 1 804 SQ SQ201 "Display question 1" en N N 0 805 SQ SQ202 "Display question 2" en N N 0 771 Q Y QCS3 "((158192X47X767SH101.NAOK == ""Y"" or 158192X47X767SH102.NAOK == ""Y"")) or ((158192X47X768SQ201.NAOK == ""Y"" or 158192X47X768SQ202.NAOK == ""Y""))" "Hide question 1 and 2 even if you select display an previous question." "This is displayed only of you choose to display question 1 or question 2." en Y N N 0 22 767 C 2 158192X47X767 '== SH101 25 768 C 3 158192X47X768 '== SQ202 26 768 C 3 158192X47X768 '== SQ201 27 767 C 2 158192X47X767 '== SH102 769 Q X CC01 "((QCS1_SH101.NAOK == ""Y"") and (QCS3.NAOK != ""Y"")) or ((158192X47X768SQ201.NAOK == ""Y"") and (QCS3.NAOK != ""Y""))" "Question 1 : displayed if you select Show question 1 at one of previous question" "Again, you can use all question type of LimeSurvey." en N N N 0 23 771 C 3 158192X47X771 != Y 24 768 C 3 158192X47X768 '== SQ201 28 767 C 2 +158192X47X767SH101 '== Y 35 771 C 2 158192X47X771 != Y 770 Q X QC02 "((QCS1_SH102.NAOK == ""Y"") and (QCS3.NAOK != ""Y"")) or ((QCS2_SQ202.NAOK == ""Y"") and (QCS3.NAOK != ""Y""))" "Question 2 : displayed if you select Show question 2 at one of previous question." en N N N 0 32 771 C 2 158192X47X771 != Y 33 767 C 2 +158192X47X767SH102 '== Y 34 768 C 3 +158192X47X768SQ202 '== Y 36 771 C 3 158192X47X771 != Y 48 G 5 Filter "You can display/hide subquestion with Array Filter and Array Filter Exclusion. We use Expression Manager to hide and show question too." en 772 Q M AF "You can filter some question with a multi choice option." en N N N 0 1 883 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 884 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 885 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 886 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 773 Q C FAF "count(that.AF) > 0" "Filtered array with previous question." en N N N 0 AF 891 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 892 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 893 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 894 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 774 Q C FAFE "count(that.AF) < 4" "You can exclude some option with Array Filter Exclusion." en N N N 0 AF 887 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 888 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 889 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 890 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0