PHP notice

Undefined index: en


112                                 /> 
113                                 <label for="same_script">
114                                     <?= gT('Use for all languages'); ?>
115                                 </label>
116                             </div>
117                         </div>
118                     <?php else: ?>
119                         <div class="alert alert-warning same-script-alert hidden"><?= gT('The script for this language will not be used because "Use for all languages" is set on the base language\'s script.') ?></div>
120                     <?php endif; ?>
122                     <?= CHtml::textArea(
123                         "questionI10N[$lang][script]",
124                         $question->questionl10ns[$lang]->script,
125                         [
126                             'id' => CHtml::getIdByName("questionI10N[{$lang}][script]"),
127                             'rows' => '10',
128                             'cols' => '20',
129                             'data-filetype' => 'javascript',
130                             'class' => 'ace form-control',
131                             'style' => 'width: 100%',
132                             'data-lang' => "$lang"
133                         ]
134                     ); ?>
135                     <p class="alert well">
136                         <?= gT("This optional script field will be wrapped, so that the script is correctly executed after the question is on the screen. If you do not have the correct permissions, this will be ignored"); ?>

Stack Trace

 /data/webdev/master/application/views/questionAdministration/create.php(113): CController->renderPartial("textElements", array("oSurvey" => Survey, "question" => Question, "showScriptField" => true))
108                                     "textElements",
109                                     [
110                                         'oSurvey'         => $oSurvey,
111                                         'question'        => $oQuestion,
112                                         //'aStructureArray' => $aQuestionTypeGroups,
113                                         'showScriptField' => $showScriptField,
114                                     ]
115                                 ); ?>
116                             </div>
117                         </div>
 /data/webdev/master/application/controllers/QuestionAdministrationController.php(265): CController->render("create", array("oSurvey" => Survey, "oQuestion" => Question, "aQuestionTypeGroups" => array("questions_prédéfinies" => array("questionGroupName" => "Questions prédéfinies", "questionTypes" => array(array("title" => "Affichage de texte", "name" => "boilerplate", "type" => "X", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."), array("title" => "Changement de langue", "name" => "language", "type" => "I", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."), array("title" => "Classement", "name" => "ranking", "type" => "R", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."), array("title" => "Date et Heure", "name" => "date", "type" => "D", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."), ...)), "questions_à_choix_unique" => array("questionGroupName" => "Questions à choix unique", "questionTypes" => array(array("title" => "Boutons Bootstrap", "name" => "bootstrap_buttons", "type" => "L", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."), array("title" => "Liste (Boutons radio)", "name" => "listradio", "type" => "L", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."), array("title" => "Liste (Menu déroulant)", "name" => "list_dropdown", "type" => "!", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."), array("title" => "Liste avec commentaire", "name" => "list_with_comment", "type" => "O", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."))), "questions_de_type_texte" => array("questionGroupName" => "Questions de type texte", "questionTypes" => array(array("title" => "Check attributes", "name" => "checkattributes", "type" => "S", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer..."), array("title" => "Détection du navigateur", "name" => "browserdetect", "type" => "S", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer..."), array("title" => "Multiples zones de texte court", "name" => "multipleshorttext", "type" => "Q", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."), array("title" => "Saisie à la demande", "name" => "inputondemand", "type" => "Q", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."), ...)), "questions_à_choix_multiples" => array("questionGroupName" => "Questions à choix multiples", "questionTypes" => array(array("title" => "Choix multiples", "name" => "multiplechoice", "type" => "M", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."), array("title" => "Choix multiples avec commentaires", "name" => "multiplechoice_with_comments", "type" => "P", "detailpage" => " <div class="col-sm-12 currentImageContainer"> ..."))), ...), "advancedSettings" => array("Logic" => array(array("name" => "random_group", "caption" => "Randomization group name", "inputtype" => "text", "options" => null, ...)), "Display" => array(array("name" => "hide_tip", "caption" => "Hide tip", "inputtype" => "switch", "options" => array("No", "Yes"), ...), array("name" => "hidden", "caption" => "Always hide this question", "inputtype" => "switch", "options" => array("No", "Yes"), ...), array("name" => "cssclass", "caption" => "CSS class(es)", "inputtype" => "text", "options" => null, ...)), "Other" => array(array("name" => "page_break", "caption" => "Insert page break in printable view", "inputtype" => "switch", "options" => array("No", "Yes"), ...)), "Timer" => array(array("name" => "time_limit", "caption" => "Time limit", "inputtype" => "integer", "options" => null, ...), array("name" => "time_limit_action", "caption" => "Time limit action", "inputtype" => "singleselect", "options" => array(1 => "Warn and move on", 2 => "Move on without warning", 3 => "Disable only"), ...), array("name" => "time_limit_disable_next", "caption" => "Time limit disable next", "inputtype" => "switch", "options" => array("No", "Yes"), ...), array("name" => "time_limit_disable_prev", "caption" => "Time limit disable prev", "inputtype" => "switch", "options" => array("No", "Yes"), ...), ...), ...), ...))
260         ];
262         $this->aData = array_merge($this->aData, $viewData);
264         $this->render(
265             'create',
266             $viewData
267         );
268     }
270     /**
 /data/webdev/master/application/controllers/QuestionAdministrationController.php(150): QuestionAdministrationController->renderFormAux(Question)
145                 'qid' => $question->qid,
146                 'landOnSideMenuTab' => 'structure'
147             ]
148         );
149         $this->aData['tabOverviewEditor'] = $tabOverviewEditor;
150         $this->renderFormAux($question);
151     }
153     /**
154      * Helper function to render form.
155      * Used by create and edit actions.
2022-07-11 11:21:04 nginx/1.18.0 Yii Framework/1.1.24-dev