SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; START TRANSACTION; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; -- Results of lime_surveymenu_entries table after "reset" menus was performed. -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `lime_surveymenu_entries` -- CREATE TABLE `lime_surveymenu_entries` ( `id` int NOT NULL, `menu_id` int DEFAULT NULL, `user_id` int DEFAULT NULL, `ordering` int DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(168) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT '', `title` varchar(168) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `menu_title` varchar(168) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `menu_description` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci, `menu_icon` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `menu_icon_type` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `menu_class` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `menu_link` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `action` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `template` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `partial` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `classes` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `permission` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `permission_grade` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `data` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci, `getdatamethod` varchar(192) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `language` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en-GB', `active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `changed_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `changed_by` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `created_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `created_by` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `showincollapse` int DEFAULT '0' ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `lime_surveymenu_entries` -- INSERT INTO `lime_surveymenu_entries` (`id`, `menu_id`, `user_id`, `ordering`, `name`, `title`, `menu_title`, `menu_description`, `menu_icon`, `menu_icon_type`, `menu_class`, `menu_link`, `action`, `template`, `partial`, `classes`, `permission`, `permission_grade`, `data`, `getdatamethod`, `language`, `active`, `changed_at`, `changed_by`, `created_at`, `created_by`, `showincollapse`) VALUES (60, 4, NULL, 1, 'overview', 'Survey overview', 'Overview', 'Open the general survey overview', 'list', 'fontawesome', '', 'surveyAdministration/view', '', '', '', '', '', '', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (64, 4, NULL, 5, 'theme_options', 'Theme options', 'Theme options', 'Edit theme options for this survey', 'paint-brush', 'fontawesome', '', 'themeOptions/updateSurvey', '', '', '', '', 'themes', 'read', '{\"render\": {\"link\": { \"pjaxed\": true, \"data\": {\"sid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"], \"gsid\":[\"survey\",\"gsid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (65, 4, NULL, 6, 'presentation', 'Presentation & navigation settings', 'Presentation', 'Edit presentation and navigation settings', 'eye-slash', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_presentation_panel', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', NULL, 'tabPresentationNavigation', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (68, 4, NULL, 9, 'publication', 'Publication & access control settings', 'Publication & access', 'Edit settings for publication and access control', 'key', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_publication_panel', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', NULL, 'tabPublicationAccess', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (77, 5, NULL, 9, 'surveypermissions', 'Edit survey permissions', 'Survey permissions', 'Edit permissions for this survey', 'lock', 'fontawesome', '', 'surveyPermissions/index', '', '', '', '', 'surveysecurity', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (66, 4, NULL, 7, 'tokens', 'Survey participant settings', 'Participant settings', 'Set additional options for survey participants', 'users', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_tokens_panel', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', NULL, 'tabTokens', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (75, 5, NULL, 7, 'quotas', 'Edit quotas', 'Quotas', 'Edit quotas for this survey.', 'tasks', 'fontawesome', '', 'quotas/index', '', '', '', '', 'quotas', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (76, 5, NULL, 8, 'assessments', 'Edit assessments', 'Assessments', 'Edit and look at the assessements for this survey.', 'comment-o', 'fontawesome', '', 'assessment/index', '', '', '', '', 'assessments', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (67, 4, NULL, 8, 'notification', 'Notification and data management settings', 'Notifications & data', 'Edit settings for notification and data management', 'feed', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_notification_panel', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', NULL, 'tabNotificationDataManagement', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (78, 5, NULL, 10, 'emailtemplates', 'Email templates', 'Email templates', 'Edit the templates for invitation, reminder and registration emails', 'envelope-square', 'fontawesome', '', 'admin/emailtemplates/sa/index/', '', '', '', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (79, 5, NULL, 11, 'panelintegration', 'Edit survey panel integration', 'Panel integration', 'Define panel integrations for your survey', 'link', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_integration_panel', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', '{\"render\": {\"link\": { \"pjaxed\": false}}}', 'tabPanelIntegration', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (80, 5, NULL, 12, 'resources', 'Add/edit resources (files/images) for this survey', 'Resources', 'Add/edit resources (files/images) for this survey', 'file', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_resources_panel', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', 'tabResourceManagement', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (21, 2, NULL, 1, 'generalsettings_collapsed', 'General survey settings', 'General settings', 'Open general survey settings', 'gears', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings_generalsettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_generaloptions_panel', '', 'surveysettings', 'read', NULL, '_generalTabEditSurvey', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, 0), (22, 2, NULL, 2, 'surveypermissions_collapsed', 'Edit survey permissions', 'Survey permissions', 'Edit permissions for this survey', 'lock', 'fontawesome', '', 'admin/surveypermission/sa/view/', '', '', '', '', 'surveysecurity', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, 0), (23, 2, NULL, 3, 'quotas_collapsed', 'Edit quotas', 'Survey quotas', 'Edit quotas for this survey.', 'tasks', 'fontawesome', '', 'admin/quotas/sa/index/', '', '', '', '', 'quotas', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, 0), (24, 2, NULL, 5, 'assessments_collapsed', 'Edit assessments', 'Assessments', 'Edit and look at the assessements for this survey.', 'comment-o', 'fontawesome', '', 'admin/assessments/sa/index/', '', '', '', '', 'assessments', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, 0), (25, 2, NULL, 7, 'emailtemplates_collapsed', 'Email templates', 'Email templates', 'Edit the templates for invitation, reminder and registration emails', 'envelope-square', 'fontawesome', '', 'admin/emailtemplates/sa/index/', '', '', '', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, 0), (27, 2, NULL, 8, 'tokens_collapsed', 'Survey participant settings', 'Participant settings', 'Set additional options for survey participants', 'user', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_tokens_panel', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '_tabTokens', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, '2018-03-01 15:00:56', 0, 0), (86, 7, NULL, 1, 'plugins', 'Simple plugin settings', 'Simple plugins', 'Edit simple plugin settings', 'plug', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_plugins_panel', '', 'surveysettings', 'read', '{\"render\": {\"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', 'pluginTabSurvey', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 0), (61, 4, NULL, 2, 'generalsettings', 'General survey settings', 'General settings', 'Open general survey settings', 'gears', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings_generalsettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_generaloptions_panel', '', 'surveysettings', 'read', NULL, 'generalTabEditSurvey', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (62, 4, NULL, 3, 'surveytexts', 'Survey text elements', 'Text elements', 'Survey text elements', 'file-text-o', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/tab_edit_view', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', NULL, 'getTextEditData', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (63, 4, NULL, 4, 'datasecurity', 'Privacy policy settings', 'Privacy policy', 'Edit privacy policy settings', 'shield', 'fontawesome', '', '', 'updatesurveylocalesettings', 'editLocalSettings_main_view', '/admin/survey/subview/tab_edit_view_datasecurity', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', NULL, 'getDataSecurityEditData', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (69, 5, NULL, 1, 'listQuestions', 'List questions', 'List questions', 'List questions', 'list', 'fontawesome', '', 'questionAdministration/listQuestions', '', '', '', '', 'surveycontent', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (70, 5, NULL, 2, 'listSurveyGroups', 'Group list', 'Group list', 'List question groups', 'th-list', 'fontawesome', '', 'admin/survey/sa/listquestiongroups', '', '', '', '', 'surveycontent', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (87, 2, NULL, 4, 'reorder', 'Reorder questions/question groups', 'Reorder questions/question groups', 'Reorder questions/question groups', 'reorder', 'fontawesome', '', 'surveyAdministration/organize/', '', '', '', '', 'surveycontent', 'update', '{\"render\": {\"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\", \"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2021-12-02 10:12:18', 0, '2021-12-02 10:12:18', 0, 1), (72, 5, NULL, 4, 'responses', 'Responses', 'Responses', 'Responses', 'icon-browse', 'iconclass', '', 'responses/browse', '', '', '', '', 'responses', 'read', '{\"render\": {\"isActive\": true, \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyId\": [\"survey\", \"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (73, 5, NULL, 5, 'participants', 'Survey participants', 'Survey participants', 'Go to survey participant and token settings', 'user', 'fontawesome', '', 'admin/tokens/sa/index/', '', '', '', '', 'tokens', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (74, 5, NULL, 6, 'statistics', 'Statistics', 'Statistics', 'Statistics', 'bar-chart', 'fontawesome', '', 'admin/statistics/sa/index/', '', '', '', '', 'statistics', 'read', '{\"render\": {\"isActive\": true, \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\", \"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (81, 6, NULL, 1, 'activateSurvey', 'Activate survey', 'Activate survey', 'Activate survey', 'play', 'fontawesome', '', 'surveyAdministration/activate', '', '', '', '', 'surveyactivation', 'update', '{\"render\": {\"isActive\": false, \"link\": {\"data\": {\"iSurveyID\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (82, 6, NULL, 2, 'deactivateSurvey', 'Stop this survey', 'Stop this survey', 'Stop this survey', 'stop', 'fontawesome', '', 'surveyAdministration/deactivate', '', '', '', '', 'surveyactivation', 'update', '{\"render\": {\"isActive\": true, \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (83, 6, NULL, 3, 'testSurvey', 'Go to survey', 'Go to survey', 'Go to survey', 'cog', 'fontawesome', '', 'survey/index/', '', '', '', '', '', '', '{\"render\": {\"link\": {\"external\": true, \"data\": {\"sid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"], \"newtest\": \"Y\", \"lang\": [\"survey\",\"language\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (84, 6, NULL, 4, 'surveyLogicFile', 'Survey logic file', 'Survey logic file', 'Survey logic file', 'sitemap', 'fontawesome', '', 'admin/expressions/sa/survey_logic_file/', '', '', '', '', 'surveycontent', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"sid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (85, 6, NULL, 5, 'cpdb', 'Central participant database', 'Central participant database', 'Central participant database', 'users', 'fontawesome', '', 'admin/participants/sa/displayParticipants', '', '', '', '', 'tokens', 'read', '{\"render\": {\"link\": {}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, '2018-09-11 10:51:05', 0, 1), (88, 2, NULL, 6, 'failedemail', 'Failed email notifications', 'Failed email notifications', 'View and resend failed email notifications', 'envelope-square', 'fontawesome', '', 'failedEmail/index/', '', '', '', '', 'surveylocale', 'read', '{\"render\": { \"link\": {\"data\": {\"surveyid\": [\"survey\",\"sid\"]}}}}', '', 'en-GB', 1, '2023-03-03 21:56:13', 0, '2023-03-03 21:56:13', 0, 0); -- -- Indexes for dumped tables -- -- -- Indexes for table `lime_surveymenu_entries` -- ALTER TABLE `lime_surveymenu_entries` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `lime_surveymenu_entries_name` (`name`), ADD KEY `lime_idx1_surveymenu_entries` (`menu_id`), ADD KEY `lime_idx5_surveymenu_entries` (`menu_title`); -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables -- -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `lime_surveymenu_entries` -- ALTER TABLE `lime_surveymenu_entries` MODIFY `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=89; COMMIT; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;