Welcome to the LimeSurvey bug & feature tracker!

c_schmitz      2016-03-17 16:17

If you want to submit a feature request, please use the category Feature requests in the upper right select box.

If you are about to submit a bug report, please follow these rules:

  • If you are not using the latest version, please update first and see if the issue is gone.
  • Only submit a bug report in English language. We will delete bug reports that are not in English.
  • Provide as much information as possible and always attach an export (.lss or .lsa file) of your survey demonstrating the issue, if applicable.
    The survey should always be a minimal test case of your problem.
  • Detailed instructions how to reproduce it
  • If your bug report contains sensitive data, or you are reporting a security issue, please mark the bug as private. If you mark the bug as private as nobody but our developers will be able to see the bug contents or attached files. Contents of files will be handled confidentially by the LimeSurvey staff and deleted after the bug has been resolved and/or the bug report will be redacted.

Thank you for your feedback! You are helping us to make LimeSurvey even a better survey tool!

Carsten Schmitz
