View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
17983Bug reportsTranslationpublic2022-07-05 19:34
Reportermatthewpulis Assigned Togabrieljenik  
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Product Version3.25.18 
Summary17983: Translation to Maltese

Submit in Maltese (MT) should be 'Ibgħat' not Issottometti. It sounds very awkward as 'issottometti'.

Steps To Reproduce

Change Issottometti to Ibgħat in the .mo

Attaching the corrected .po

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
mt.po (98,848 bytes)   
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LimeSurvey 3.x.x\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-23 14:39+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Matthew Pulis\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: mt\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.0.1\n"

msgid "%s duplicate records removed"
msgstr "%s rekords duplikati tneħħew"

msgid "%s field(s) were successfully added."
msgstr "%s field(s) ġew miżjuda b'suċċess."

msgid "%s lines had a mismatching number of fields."
msgstr "%s linji kellhom numru ta' fields li ma jaqblux."

msgid "%s records imported"
msgstr "%s rekords importati"

msgid "%s records in CSV"
msgstr "%s rekords f'CSV"

msgid "%s records with invalid email address removed"
msgstr "%s rekords kellhom l-indirizzi tal-email invalidi mneħħija"

msgid "'Other:' comment mandatory"
msgstr "'Oħrajn:' kumment mandatorju"

msgid "(Iconv Library not installed)"
msgstr "(Ionv Librarerija mhux installata)"

msgid "(Select multiple label sets by using the Ctrl key)"
msgstr "(Agħżel iktar minn label set wieħed billi tuża l-Ctrl key)"

msgid "*"
msgstr "*"

msgid "1st quartile (Q1)"
msgstr "L-ewwel quartile (Q1)"

msgid "2nd quartile (Median)"
msgstr "It-tieni quartile (Median)"

msgid "3rd quartile (Q3)"
msgstr "It-tielet quartile (Q3)"

msgid "5 Point Choice"
msgstr "Għażla ta' 5 punti"

msgid "7bit Swedish"
msgstr "7bit Svediż"

msgid "<No default value>"
msgstr "<M'hemmx valur bħala default>"

msgid ""
"A backup of this table has been made and can be accessed by your system "
msgstr ""
"Saret backup ta' din it-tabella u din hi aċċessibbli mill-amministratur tas-"

msgid ""
"A backup of this table will be made if you proceed. Your system "
"administrator will be able to access this table."
msgstr ""
"Issir backup ta' din it-tabella jekk inti tkompli.  L-amministratur tas-"
"sistema tiegħek ikun jista' jaċċessa din it-tabella."

msgid "A database named \"%s\" already exists."
msgstr "Database li jismu \"%s\" diga' jeżisti."

msgid "A username was not supplied or the username is invalid."
msgstr "Inti ma tajtx username jew il-username mhux tajjeb/invalidu."

msgid "ARMSCII-8 Armenian"
msgstr "ARMSCII-8 Armenjan"

msgid "Access"
msgstr "Aċċess"

msgid "Access denied!"
msgstr "L-aċċess ġie miċħud!"

msgid "Action"
msgstr "Azzjoni"

msgid "Action to perform when time limit is up"
msgstr "Azzjoni biex issir meta l-ħin ikun skada"

msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Azzjonijiet"

msgid "Activate Survey"
msgstr "Attiva l-Istħarriġ"

msgid "Active"
msgstr "Attiv"

msgid "Active surveys"
msgstr "Stħarriġ Attiv"

msgid "Add"
msgstr "Żid"

msgid "Add a new question"
msgstr "Żid mistoqsija ġdida"

msgid "Add a prefix to the answer field"
msgstr "Żid prefiss mal-field tat-tweġiba"

msgid "Add a suffix to the answer field"
msgstr "Żid suffiss mal-field tat-tweġiba"

msgid "Add and edit conditions"
msgstr "Żid u biddel/editja l-kundizzjonijiet"

msgid "Add condition"
msgstr "Żid kundizzjoni"

msgid "Add fields"
msgstr "Żid il-fields"

msgid "Add or delete groups"
msgstr "Żid jew ħassar il-gruppi"

msgid "Add or delete questions"
msgstr "Żid jew ħassar il-mistoqsijiet"

msgid "Add or delete subquestions or change their codes"
msgstr "Żid jew ħassar is-sottomistoqsijiet jew biddel il-kodiċi tagħhom."

msgid "Add question group"
msgstr "Żid grupp ta' mistoqsija"

msgid "Add scenario"
msgstr "Żid xenarju"

msgid "Add token entry"
msgstr "Żid entry tat-token"

msgid "Additional Languages"
msgstr "Lingwi oħra"

msgid "Administration"
msgstr "L-Amministrazzjoni"

msgid "Administrator name:"
msgstr "L-isem tal-Amministratur:"

msgid "Administrator:"
msgstr "Amministratur:"

msgid "After"
msgstr "Wara"

msgid "Albanian"
msgstr "Albaniż"

msgid "All"
msgstr "Kollha"

msgid "All answers are already selected in this quota."
msgstr "Kull tweġiba hi diga' magħżula f'din il-kwota."

msgid "All conditions in this survey have been deleted."
msgstr "Il-kundizzjonijiet ġo dan l-istħarriġ tħassru kollha."

msgid "All in one"
msgstr "Kollha f'wieħed"

msgid ""
"All questions, answers, etc for removed languages will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Il-mistoqsijiet, it-tweġibiet, eċċ għal-lingwi li nteħħew se jintiflu.  Inti "

msgid "All responses"
msgstr "It-tweġibiet kollha"

msgid "All tokens"
msgstr "It-tokens Kollha"

msgid "Allow only numerical input"
msgstr "Ħalli biss input numeriku"

msgid "Allow only numerical input for 'Other' text"
msgstr "Ħalli biss input numeriku għal kitba ġo 'Oħrajn'"

msgid "Always"
msgstr "Dejjem"

msgid "Always hide this question"
msgstr "Din il-mistoqsija aħbiha dejjem"

msgid ""
"An email has been sent to the address you provided with access details for "
"this survey. Please follow the link in that email to proceed."
msgstr ""
"Intbagħtet email fuq l-indirizz li tajt inti bid-dettalji għall-aċċess għal "
"dan l-istħarriġ.  Jekk jogħġbok segwi l-link li hemm ġo dik l-email sabiex "

msgid "An email has been sent with details about your saved survey"
msgstr "Intbagħtitlek e-mail bid-dettalji fuq l-istħarriġ issejvjat tiegħek"

msgid "An email with a generated password was sent to the user."
msgstr "Email b'password iġġenerata ntbagħtet lill-klijent."

msgid "An error occurred saving a response to survey id"
msgstr ""
"Sar żball waqt li r-risposta kienet qed tiġi ssejvjata fuq l-id tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "An unexpected error has occurred and your responses cannot be saved."
msgstr ""
"Sar żball mhux mistenni u r-risposti tiegħek ma jistgħux jiġu ssejvjati."

msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Risposta"

msgid "Answer prefix"
msgstr "Il-prefiss tat-Tweġiba"

msgid "Answer scale %s"
msgstr "Skala ta' mistoqsijiet %s"

msgid "Answer suffix"
msgstr "Is-suffiss tat-tweġiba"

msgid "Answers"
msgstr "Risposti"

msgid "Answers and tokens have been re-opened."
msgstr "It-tweġibiet u t-tokens reġgħu nfetħu."

msgid ""
"Answers with a code of 0 (zero) or blank code are not allowed, and will not "
"be saved"
msgstr ""
"Tweġibiet b'kodiċi ta' 0 (zero) jew b'kodiċi vojta mhumiex permessi, u "
"għalhekk ma jiġux issejvjati"

msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Apr"

msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "Għarbi"

msgid ""
"Are you really sure you want to *delete* some incomplete answers and reset "
"the completed state of both answers and tokens?"
msgstr ""
"Inti ċert li trid *tħassar* xi tweġibiet li mhumiex lesti u tirrisettja l-"
"istat komplet tat-tweġibiet u tat-tokens?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all conditions set in this scenario?"
msgstr ""
"Tinsab ċert li trid tħassar il-kundizzjonijiet kollha ssettjati f'dan ix-"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected entries?"
msgstr "Tinsab ċert li trid tħassar l-entries li għażilt?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this condition?"
msgstr "Tinsab ċert li trid tħassar din il-kundizzjoni?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this entry?"
msgstr "Inti ċert li trid tħassar dan l-istħarriġ?"

msgid "Arithmetic mean"
msgstr "Il-medja aritmetiku"

msgid "Array"
msgstr "Array"

msgid "Array (10 Point Choice)"
msgstr "Array (Għażla ta' 10 Punti)"

msgid "Array (5 Point Choice)"
msgstr "Array (Għażla ta' 5 Punti)"

msgid "Array (Increase/Same/Decrease)"
msgstr "Array (Żid/L-istess/Naqqas)"

msgid "Array (Numbers)"
msgstr "Array (Numri)"

msgid "Array (Texts)"
msgstr "Array (Texts)"

msgid "Array (Yes/No/Uncertain)"
msgstr "Array (Iva/Le/Mhux ċert)"

msgid "Array by column"
msgstr "Array skont il-kolonna"

msgid "Array filter"
msgstr "Filter għall-array"

msgid "Array filter exclusion"
msgstr "L-esklużjoni tal-filter tal-Array"

msgid "Assessment details"
msgstr "Id-dettalji tal-assessment/valutazzjoni"

msgid "Assessment group score"
msgstr "Il-punteġġ tal-assessment/valutazzjoni tal-grupp"

msgid "Assessment heading"
msgstr "Il-Heading tal-Assessment/Valutazzjoni"

msgid "Assessment rules"
msgstr "Ir-regoli tal-Assessment/Valutazzjoni"

msgid "Assessment value"
msgstr "Il-valur tal-assessment"

msgid "Assessments"
msgstr "Assessments/Valutazzjoni"

msgid "At beginning"
msgstr "Fil-bidu"

msgid "At end"
msgstr "Fl-aħħar"

msgid "Attribute field"
msgstr "Attribwit tal-field"

msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Aww"

msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Awto"

msgid "Autoload URL"
msgstr "URL li ħa jillowdja awtomatikament"

msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Awtomatiku"

msgid "Average"
msgstr "Medja"

msgid "Back"
msgstr "Lura"

msgid "Back to Response Import"
msgstr "Lura għall-Importazzjoni tar-Rispons"

msgid "Back to main menu"
msgstr "Lura għall-menu prinċipali"

msgid "Base language"
msgstr "Il-lingwa Bażika"

msgid "Basque"
msgstr "Bask"

msgid "Before"
msgstr "Qabel"

msgid "Big5 Traditional Chinese"
msgstr "Big5 Ċiniż Tradizzjonali"

msgid "Bosnian"
msgstr "Bosnijaċi"

msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Ibbrawżja"

msgid "Bulgarian"
msgstr "Bulgaru"

msgid "But this one isn't."
msgstr "Imma din mhix."

msgid ""
"CSS Style for the message that displays in the countdown timer during the "
msgstr ""
"L-istil ta' CSS għall-messaġġ li ħa jintwera fit-timer tal-countdown waqt il-"

msgid "CSS style for the 'time limit expiry message'"
msgstr "L-istil ta' CSS għall-'messaġġ ta' skadenza tal-limitu ta' ħin'"

msgid "CSS style used when the 'time limit warning' message is displayed"
msgstr ""
"L-istil ta' CSS li ħa jintuża meta l-'messaġġ tal-limitu ta' ħin' se jintwera"

msgid "CSS style used when the 2nd 'time limit warning' message is displayed"
msgstr ""
"L-istil CSS li ħa jintuża meta t-tieni messaġġ ta' 'twissija għal-limitu ta' "
"ħin' se jintwera"

msgid "CSV input format"
msgstr "Format ta' CSV input"

msgid "Calculation"
msgstr "Kalkolu"

msgid "Can't connect to the LDAP directory"
msgstr "Ma tista taqbad mad-direttorju ta' LDAP"

msgid "Can't update labels because you are using duplicated codes"
msgstr "Ma tistax taġġorna l-labels għaliex inti qed tuża kodiċi dduplikati"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Ħassar"

msgid "Cannot be changed"
msgstr "Ma tistax tinbidel"

msgid "Cannot import the VVExport file."
msgstr "Ma jistax jimporta VVExport fajl."

msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "Katalan"

msgid "Change log"
msgstr "Biddel il-log"

msgid "Character set of the file:"
msgstr "Set ta' characters tal-fajl:"

msgid "Check again"
msgstr "Erġa' ċċekkja"

msgid "Check any that apply"
msgstr "Iċċekja kull waħda li tapplika"

msgid "Checkbox layout"
msgstr "It-tqassim ta' checkbox"

msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Iċċekjat"

msgid "Checking basic requirements..."
msgstr "Ir-rekwiżiti bażiċi qed jiġu ċċekkjati..."

msgid "Checking existing LimeSurvey files..."
msgstr "Il-fajls tal-LimeSurvey li jeżistu qed jiġu ċċekkjati..."

msgid "Chinese (Simplified)"
msgstr "Ċiniż (Simplifikat)"

msgid "Chinese (Traditional - Hong Kong)"
msgstr "Ċiniż (Tradizzjonali - Ħong Kong)"

msgid "Chinese (Traditional - Taiwan)"
msgstr "Ċiniż (Tradizzjonali - Tajwan)"

msgid "Choose one of the following answers"
msgstr "Agħżel waħda mit-tweġibiet li ġejjin"

msgid "Choose the CSV file to upload:"
msgstr "Agħżel il-fajl ta' CSV sabiex tapplowdja:"

msgid "Choose your language"
msgstr "Agħżel il-lingwa tiegħek"

msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Neħħi"

msgid "Click here to log in."
msgstr "Ikklikkja hawn sabiex tilloggja."

msgid "Click on the following button if you want to"
msgstr "Ikklikkja fuq il-buttuna li ġejja jekk trid"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Agħlaq"

msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kodiċi"

msgid "Code filter"
msgstr "Filter tal-kodiċi"

msgid "Code:"
msgstr "Kodiċi:"

msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Kumment"

msgid "Comparison operator"
msgstr "Operatur għall-Paragun"

msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Lesti"

msgid "Completed responses only"
msgstr "Tweġibiet kompluti biss"

msgid "Completed?"
msgstr "Lest?"

msgid "Conditions"
msgstr "Kundizzjonijiet"

msgid "Conditions designer"
msgstr "Id-disinjatur tal-kundizzjonijiet"

msgid "Confirmation email"
msgstr "Email ta' konferma:"

msgid "Confirmation email subject:"
msgstr "It-titolu tal-email tal-konferma."

msgid "Constant"
msgstr "Kostanti"

msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Kompli"

msgid "Convert resource links?"
msgstr "Tbiddel il-links tar-riżorsi?"

msgid "Copy advanced settings?"
msgstr "Tikkopja s-settings avvanzati?"

msgid "Copy answer options?"
msgstr "Tikkopja l-għażliet ta' tweġibiet?"

msgid "Copy conditions"
msgstr "Ikkopja l-kundizzjonijiet"

msgid "Copy failed"
msgstr "Il-kopja falliet"

msgid "Copy of survey is completed."
msgstr "Kopja tal-istħarriġ hija lesta."

msgid "Copy question"
msgstr "Ikkopja l-mistoqsija"

msgid "Copy subquestions?"
msgstr "Tikkopja sottomistoqsijiet?"

msgid "Copy survey"
msgstr "Ikkopja l-istħarriġ"

msgid "Could not delete user group."
msgstr "Ma setax jitħassar il-grupp tal-user."

msgid "Could not delete user group. No group selected."
msgstr "Ma setax jitħassar il-grupp tal-user.  L-ebda grupp ma ġie magħżul."

msgid "Could not delete user. User was not supplied."
msgstr "Ma setax iħassar il-klijent/a.  Ma ingħatax isem ta' klijent/a."

msgid "Count"
msgstr "Għadd"

msgid "Create a new question group inside your survey."
msgstr "Oħloq grupp ta' mistoqsijiet ġdid fl-istħarriġ tiegħek."

msgid "Create one or more questions inside the new question group."
msgstr ""
"Oħloq mistoqsija, jew iktar minn mistoqsija waħda ġewwa l-grupp ta' "
"mistoqsijiet  ġodda."

msgid "Create or import new label set(s)"
msgstr "Oħloq jew importa sett(ijiet) ta' labels ġodda"

msgid "Create tokens"
msgstr "Oħloq tokens"

msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Maħluq minn"

msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "Kroat"

msgid "Current"
msgstr "Kurrenti"

msgid "Currently there are no conditions configured for this survey."
msgstr "Bħalissa m'hemmx kundizzjonijiet kkonfigurati għal dan l-istħarriġ"

msgid "Czech"
msgstr "Ċek"


msgid "DEC West European"
msgstr "DEC Ewropew tal-Punent"

msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Daniż"

msgid "Data selection"
msgstr "L-għazla tal-informazzjoni"

msgid "Data selection:"
msgstr "L-għażla tal-informazzjoni:"

msgid "Data view control"
msgstr "Kontroll tal-ħarsien tad-data"

msgid "Database has been created."
msgstr "Inħoloq database."

msgid "Database has been successfully upgraded to version %s"
msgstr "Id-database ġie aġġornat għal verżjoni %s b'suċċess"

msgid "Database name"
msgstr "L-isem tad-database"

msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"

msgid "Date format:"
msgstr "Il-Format tad-data:"

msgid "Date last action"
msgstr "Id-Data tal-aħħar azzjoni"

msgid "Date started"
msgstr "Id-Data ta' meta beda"

msgid "Date submitted"
msgstr "Id-Data ta' meta ntbagħat"

msgid "Day"
msgstr "Ġurnata"

msgid "Deactivate Survey"
msgstr "L-Istħarriġ ġie skonnetjat"

msgid "Deactivated result tables"
msgstr "Tabella tar-riżultati skonnetjata"

msgid ""
"Dear {FIRSTNAME},\n"
"Recently we invited you to participate in a survey.\n"
"We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you "
"that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.\n"
"The survey is titled:\n"
"To participate, please click on the link below.\n"
"Click here to do the survey:\n"
msgstr ""
"Għażiż/a {FIRSTNAME},\n"
"Aħna stedinnik sabiex tipparteċipa fi stħarriġ.\n"
"Aħna rajna li inti għadek ma lestejtx dan l-istħarriġ, u nixtiequ nfakkruk "
"li dan l-istħarriġ għadu aċċessibbli għalik jekk trid li tipparteċipa fih.\n"
"Dan l-istħarriġ jismu:\n"
"Sabiex tipparteċipa, ikklikkja fuq il-link t'hawn taħt.\n"
"Dejjem tiegħek,\n"
"Ikklikkja hawn sabiex tagħmel l-istħarriġ:\n"

msgid ""
"Dear {FIRSTNAME},\n"
"You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in "
"an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.\n"
"To complete this survey, click on the following URL:\n"
"If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to "
"participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} "
msgstr ""
"Inti, jew xi ħadd li qed juża' l-indirizz tal-email tiegħek, irreġistra "
"sabiex jipparteċipa fi stħarriġ online li jismu {SURVEYNAME}.\n"
"Biex tlesti dan l-istħarriġ, ikklikkja fuq il-URL t'hawn taħt:\n"
"Jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet fuq dan l-istħarriġ, jew jekk inti ma "
"rreġistrajtx sabiex tipparteċipa u taħseb li din l-email hi żball, jekk "
"jogħġbok ikkuntattja {ADMINNAME} fuq {ADMINEMAIL}."

msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Diċ"

msgid "Decrease"
msgstr "Naqqas"

msgid "Default HTML editor mode:"
msgstr "Il-mode ta' default tal-editur HTML:"

msgid "Default answer for scale %s:"
msgstr "It-tweġiba ta' default għal skala %s:"

msgid "Default answer value:"
msgstr "Il-valur ta' tweġiba ta' default:"

msgid "Default answers"
msgstr "Tweġibiet ta' Default"

msgid "Default scenario"
msgstr "Xenarju ta' default"

msgid "Default site admin email:"
msgstr "L-email default tas-sit tal-admin:"

msgid "Default site bounce email:"
msgstr "Il-bounce email default tas-sit "

msgid "Default site language:"
msgstr "Il-lingwa default tas-sit:"

msgid "Default value for option 'Other':"
msgstr "Il-valur bħala default għall-għażla 'Oħrajn':"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ħassar"

msgid "Delete User"
msgstr "Ħassar il-klijent"

msgid "Delete all conditions"
msgstr "Tħassar il-kundizzjonijiet kollha"

msgid ""
"Delete all incomplete answers that correspond to a token for which a "
"completed answers is already recorded"
msgstr ""
"Ħassar it-tweġibiet kollha li mhumiex lesti li jikkorrespondu ma' token li "
"għalih hemm tweġiba lesta rrekordjata"

msgid "Delete checked items!"
msgstr "Tħassar l-items iċċekkjati!"

msgid "Delete current question group"
msgstr "Ħassar il-grupp ta' mistoqsijiet li qed tuża bħalissa"

msgid "Delete label set"
msgstr "Ħassar is-sett ta' labels"

msgid "Delete marked responses"
msgstr "Ħassar ir-risposti li huma mmarkati"

msgid "Delete survey"
msgstr "Ħassar l-istħarriġ"

msgid "Delete the selected entries"
msgstr "Ħassar dawk li huma magħżula"

msgid "Delete this response"
msgstr "Ħassar din ir-risposta"

msgid "Delete this user"
msgstr "Ħassar dan il-klijent"

msgid "Deleting User"
msgstr "Qed jiġi mħassar il-klijent/a"

msgid ""
"Deleting this group will also delete any questions and answers it contains. "
"Are you sure you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Jekk tħassar dan il-grupp, se tħassar ukoll il-mistoqsijiet u t-tweġibiet li "
"fih.  Inti ċert/a li tixtieq tkompli?"

msgid "Demo mode: Uploading templates is disabled."
msgstr "Demo mode: Mhux permess li tapplowdja templates."

msgid "Description of the survey"
msgstr "Deskrizzjoni tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Deskrizzjoni:"

msgid "Did Not Save"
msgstr "Ma ssejvjax"

msgid "Directory with the name `%s` already exists - choose another name"
msgstr "Id-direttorju bl-isem ta' '%s' diġa' jeżisti - agħżel isem ieħor"

msgid "Disable only"
msgstr "Itfi biss"

msgid "Disable the next button until time limit expires"
msgstr "Skonnettja l-buttuna li jmiss sakemm jiskadi l-limitu ta' ħin"

msgid "Disable the prev button until the time limit expires"
msgstr "Skonnettja l-buttuna ta' qabel sakemm il-limitu ta' ħin jiskadi"

msgid "Display"
msgstr "Uri"

msgid ""
"Display a 'time limit warning' when there are this many seconds remaining in "
"the countdown (warning will not display if left blank)"
msgstr ""
"Uri 'messaġġ tal-limitu ta' ħin' meta jkun fadal dawn is-sekondi fil-"
"countdown (twissija mhux se tidher jekk jitħalla vojt)"

msgid "Display columns"
msgstr "Uri l-kolonni"

msgid "Display min and max value under the slider"
msgstr "Uri l-valur minimu u massimu taħt l-islider"

msgid "Display rows"
msgstr "Uri r-ringieli"

msgid "Display slider min and max value"
msgstr "Uri l-valur minimu u massimu fl-islider"

msgid ""
"Display the 'time limit expiry message' for this many seconds before "
"performing the 'time limit action' (defaults to 1 second if left blank)"
msgstr ""
"Uri l-'messaġġ ta' skadenza tal-limitu ta' ħin' għal dawn is-sekondi qabel "
"ma twettaq l-'azzjoni tal-limitu ta' ħin' (sekonda waħda hija ssettjata "
"bħala default jekk l-ispazju jitħalla vojt)"

msgid ""
"Display the 2nd 'time limit warning' when there are this many seconds "
"remaining in the countdown (warning will not display if left blank)"
msgstr ""
"Uri t-tieni 'messaġġ tal-limitu ta' ħin' meta jkun fadal dawn is-sekondi fil-"
"countdown (twissija mhux se tidher jekk jitħalla vojt)"

msgid "Display:"
msgstr "Uri:"

msgid "Do you really want to delete all marked responses?"
msgstr "Inti trid tħassar ir-risposti mmarkati?"

msgid "Do you really want to delete this label set?"
msgstr "Inti ċert li trid tħassar dan is-sett ta' labels?"

msgid "Do you really want to delete this response?"
msgstr "Inti trid tħassar dan ir-rispons?"

msgid ""
"Do you want to populate that database now by creating the necessary tables?"
msgstr "Trid timla d-database issa billi toħloq tabelli neċessarji?"

msgid "Don't import if label set already exists:"
msgstr "Timportax jekk is-sett tal-label diġa' jeżisti."

msgid "Done. Test your survey using the %s icon."
msgstr "Lest.  Ittestja l-istħarriġ tiegħek billi tuża il- %s icon."

msgid ""
"Double-click or drag-and-drop items in the left list to move them to the "
"right - your highest ranking item should be on the top right, moving through "
"to your lowest ranking item."
msgstr ""
"Ikklikkja darbtejn jew iġbed u waqqa’ l-affarijiet fil-lista tax-xellug biex "
"tmexxihom lejn il-lemin – l-għażla tiegħek l-iktar għolja fil-grad għandha "
"tkun fuq nett fuq il-lemin u timxi ’l isfel sal-aħħar għażla tiegħek."

msgid "Download the data and the syntax file."
msgstr "Iddawnlowdja d-data u s-syntax fajl."

msgid "Duplicate codes found, these entries won't be updated"
msgstr "Instabu kodiċi doppji; dawn ma ġewx aġġornati"

msgid "Duplicate records removed"
msgstr "Rekords doppji tneħħew"

msgid "Duplicates are determined by:"
msgstr "Id-dupplikati huma ddeterminati minn:"

msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Olandiż"


msgid "EUC-JP Japanese"
msgstr "EUC-JP Ġappuniż"

msgid "EUC-KR Korean"
msgstr "EUC-KR Korean"

msgid "Earlier than:"
msgstr "Eqreb minn:"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Biddel/Editja"

msgid "Edit Group"
msgstr "Biddel/Editja il-Grupp"

msgid "Edit answer options"
msgstr "Biddel l-għażliet tat-tweġiba"

msgid "Edit answer options for this question"
msgstr "Biddel l-għażla ta' tweġibiet għal din il-mistoqsija"

msgid "Edit condition"
msgstr "Biddel/Editja kundizzjoni"

msgid "Edit current question group"
msgstr "Biddel/Editja dan il-grupp tal-mistoqsijiet"

msgid "Edit default answer values"
msgstr "Biddel il-valuri tat-tweġibiet li qegħdin bħala default"

msgid "Edit email templates"
msgstr "Biddel it-templates tal-emails"

msgid "Edit label set"
msgstr "Biddel is-sett ta' labels"

msgid "Edit label sets"
msgstr "Biddel is-settijiet ta' tikketti"

msgid "Edit question"
msgstr "Biddel il-mistoqsija"

msgid "Edit subquestions"
msgstr "Biddel/Editja s-sottomistoqsijiet"

msgid "Edit subquestions for this question"
msgstr "Biddel is-sottomistoqsijiet għal din il-mistoqsija"

msgid "Edit survey settings"
msgstr "Biddel is-settings ta' l-istħarriġ"

msgid "Edit this entry"
msgstr "Biddel/Editja din l-għażla"

msgid "Edit this response"
msgstr "Biddel/Editja din ir-risposta"

msgid "Edit this token"
msgstr "Biddel/Editja dan it-token"

msgid "Edit this user"
msgstr "Biddel dan il-klijent"

msgid "Editing"
msgstr "Qed ibiddel/jeditja"

msgid "Editing response (ID %s)"
msgstr "Qiegħed jiġi mibdul/edtijat ir-rispons (ID %s)"

msgid "Editing user"
msgstr "Qed jiġi mmodifikat il-klijent"

msgid "Editing user group (Owner: %s)"
msgstr "Qed jiġi editjat il-grupp tal user (Owner: %s)"

msgid ""
"Either you have been inactive for too long, you have cookies disabled for "
"your browser, or there were problems with your connection."
msgstr ""
"Jew kont inattiv għal tul ta' ħin twil, kellek cookies skonnettjati mill-"
"brawżer tiegħek, jew kien hemm il-problemi bil-konnessjoni/bil-linja tiegħek."

msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"

msgid "Email address"
msgstr "L-indirizz tal-Email"

msgid "Email address is not valid."
msgstr "L-indirizz tal-email mhuwiex validu."

msgid "Email address of the survey administrator"
msgstr "L-indirizz tal-email tal-amministratur tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "Email batch size:"
msgstr "Id-daqs tal-lott tal-email:"

msgid "Email from the token"
msgstr "Email mit-token"

msgid "Email method:"
msgstr "Il-metodu tal-Email:"

msgid "Email settings"
msgstr "Is-settings tal-Email"

msgid "Email to %s failed. Error Message:"
msgstr "L-Email għal %s falliet.  Il-Messaġġ tal-iżball:"

msgid ""
"Email to {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} ({EMAIL}) delayed: Token is not yet valid."
msgstr ""
"Email lil {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} ({EMAIL}) ġiet ittardjata: It-token għadu "
"mhuwiex validu."

msgid ""
"Email to {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} ({EMAIL}) skipped: Token is not valid "
msgstr ""
"Email lil {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} ({EMAIL}) inqabżet: It-token m'għadux "

msgid "Email to {NAME} ({EMAIL}) failed."
msgstr "Email għal {NAME} ({EMAIL}) falliet."

msgid "Email was not sent because demo-mode is activated."
msgstr "L-email ma ntbagħtitx għaliex demo-mode hu attivat."

msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email:"

msgid "End URL:"
msgstr "URL tal-aħħar:"

msgid "End message:"
msgstr "Messaġġ tat-tmiem:"

msgid "English"
msgstr "Ingliż"

msgid "Ensure a minimum number of possible answers (0=No limit)"
msgstr "Kun żgur li n-numru minimu ta' tweġibiet possibbli huwa"

msgid "Enter a name and password for this survey and click save below."
msgstr ""
"Niżżel isem u password għal dan l-istħarriġ u kklikkja fuq Save hawn taħt."

msgid ""
"Enter your details below, and an email containing the link to participate in "
"this survey will be sent immediately."
msgstr ""
"Daħħal id-dettalji tiegħek hawn taħt, u mal-ewwel tintbagħat email bil-link "
"sabiex tipparteċipa f'dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid "Equals"
msgstr "Daqs"

msgid "Equals sum value"
msgstr "Huwa daqs il-valur totali"

msgid "Equals:"
msgstr "Daqs:"

msgid "Error"
msgstr "Żball"

msgid "Error Files List"
msgstr "Lista ta' Fajls Żbaljati"

msgid "Error saving results"
msgstr "Sar żball waqt li kienu qed jiġu ssejvjati r-riżultati"

msgid "Error: 'other' is a reserved keyword."
msgstr "Sar żball: 'oħrajn' hija keyword riservata."

msgid ""
"Error: There are no answer options for this question and/or they don't exist "
"in this language."
msgstr ""
"Sar żball:  M'hemmx għażliet għat-tweġibiet għal din il-mistoqija u/jew ma "
"jeżistux b'din il-lingwa."

msgid "Error: There are no answers defined for this question."
msgstr "Sar żball: M'hemmx tweġibiet definiti għal din il-mistoqsija."

msgid "Error: You are trying to use duplicate answer codes."
msgstr "Sar żball: Inti qiegħed tipprova tuża kodici ta' tweġibiet doppji."

msgid "Error: You are trying to use duplicate label codes."
msgstr "Sar żball: Inti qed tipprova tuża kodiċi ta' labels dupplikati."

msgid "Error: You are trying to use duplicate subquestion codes."
msgstr ""
"Sar żball: Inti qiegħed tipprova tuża kodici ta' sottomistoqsijiet doppji.  "

msgid "Error: You have to enter a group title for each language."
msgstr "Sar żball: Hemm bżonn li tagħti titolu tal-grupp għal kull lingwa."

msgid "Error: You have to enter a name for this label set."
msgstr "Sar żball: Hemm bżonn li tagħti isem għal dan il-sett ta' label."

msgid "Estonian"
msgstr "Estonjan"

msgid "Everything looks alright. Please proceed to the next step."
msgstr "Kollox jidher sew.  Jekk jogħġbok kompli għal pass li jmiss."

msgid "Example data"
msgstr "Eżempju tad-data"

msgid "Exclude answers?"
msgstr "Teskludi t-tweġibiet?"

msgid "Exclude quotas?"
msgstr "Teskludi l-kwoti?"

msgid "Exclude record IDs?"
msgstr "Teskludi l-IDs tar-rekord?"

msgid "Exclusive option"
msgstr "Għażla esklussiva"

msgid "Existing LID: %s"
msgstr "LID li jeżisti: %s"

msgid "Expired"
msgstr "Skada"

msgid "Expiry date/time:"
msgstr "Id-data/ħin li fih se jiskadi:"

msgid "Export"
msgstr "Esporta"

msgid "Export VV file"
msgstr "Esporta VV fajl"

msgid "Export a VV survey file"
msgstr "Esporta fajl tal-istħarriġ VV"

msgid "Export data"
msgstr "Esporta d-data"

msgid "Export multiple label sets"
msgstr "Esporta settijiet ta' labels multipli"

msgid "Export results"
msgstr "Oħroġ ir-riżultati"

msgid "Export selected label sets"
msgstr "Esporta s-settijiet tal-labels magħżula"

msgid "Export syntax"
msgstr "Esporta s-syntax"

msgid "Export this label set"
msgstr "Esporta din is-sett ta' labels"

msgid "Export this question group"
msgstr "Esporta dan il-grupp ta' mistoqsijiet"

msgid "Export tokens"
msgstr "Esporta t-tokens"

msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Falla"

msgid "Failed to add user"
msgstr "Klijent ieħor ma ġiex miżjud"

msgid "Failed to add user."
msgstr "Naqas milli jżid klijent/a"

msgid "Failed to create token entries"
msgstr "Falla milli joħloq id-dħul ta' tokens"

msgid "Failed to delete answer"
msgstr "It-tweġiba ma tħassritx"

msgid "Failed to open the uploaded file!"
msgstr "Falla milli jiftaħ il-fajl applowdjat!"

msgid "Failed to update answers"
msgstr "L-Aġġornament tat-tweġibiet ma seħħx"

msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Frar"

msgid "Female"
msgstr "Mara"

msgid "Field description"
msgstr "Deskrizzjoni tal-field"

msgid "File"
msgstr "Fajl"

msgid "File upload succeeded."
msgstr "L-upload tal-fajl seħħ b'suċċess."

msgid "Filter HTML for XSS:"
msgstr "Filter HTML għal XSS:"

msgid "Filter blank email addresses:"
msgstr "Iffiltra l-indirizzi tal-emails vojta:"

msgid "Filter duplicate records:"
msgstr "Iffiltra rekords doppji:"

msgid "Filter the available answers by this value"
msgstr "Iffiltra t-tweġibiet disponibbli b'dan il-valur"

msgid "Filtered from statistics script"
msgstr "Iffiltrati mill-kitba tal-istatistika"

msgid "Finalize response submission"
msgstr "Iffinalizza s-sottomissjoni tar-rispons"

msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "Finlandiż"

msgid "First name"
msgstr "Isem"

msgid "Follow the following link to update it"
msgstr "Segwi din il-link biex taġġornaha"

msgid "For easy opening in MS Excel, change the extension to 'tab' or 'txt'"
msgstr ""
"Għal ftuħ faċli għall-MS Excel, biddel l-estensjoni għal 'tab' jew 'txt'"

msgid "Forbidden Extension"
msgstr "Estenzjoni Mċaħħda"

msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"

msgid "Format:"
msgstr "Format:"

msgid "Format: %s"
msgstr "Format: %s"

msgid "French"
msgstr "Franċiż"

msgid "Full"
msgstr "Mimli"

msgid "Full name"
msgstr "Isem sħiħ"

msgid "GB2312 Simplified Chinese"
msgstr "GB2312 Ċiniż Issimplifikat"

msgid "GBK Simplified Chinese"
msgstr "GBK Ċiniż Issimplifikat"

msgid "GEOSTD8 Georgian"
msgstr "GEOSTD8 Ġorġjan"

msgid "Galician"
msgstr "Gallegjan"

msgid "Gender"
msgstr "Sess"

msgid "General"
msgstr "Ġenerali"

msgid "General filters"
msgstr "Filtri Ġeneral"

msgid "Generate tokens"
msgstr "Iġġenera tokens"

msgid "German"
msgstr "Ġermaniż"

msgid "Global settings"
msgstr "Is-Settings Globali"

msgid "Global settings were saved."
msgstr "Is-settings globali ġew issejvjati."

msgid "Go to question"
msgstr "Mur għall-mistoqsija"

msgid "Go to question group"
msgstr "Mur għall-grupp tal-mistoqsija"

msgid "Go to survey"
msgstr "Mur għall-istħarriġ"

msgid "Greater than"
msgstr "Akbar minn"

msgid "Greater than or equal to"
msgstr "Iktar minn jew daqs"

msgid "Greater than:"
msgstr "Ikbar minn:"

msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Grieg"

msgid "Group"
msgstr "Grupp"

msgid "Group 1: The first lot of questions"
msgstr "Grupp 1: L-ewwel sett ta' mistoqsijiet"

msgid "Group by Group"
msgstr "Grupp bi Grupp"

msgid "Group could not be deleted"
msgstr "Il-Grupp ma setax jiġi mħassar"

msgid "Group member can only see own group:"
msgstr "Il-membru tal-grupp jista' jara biss il-grupp tiegħu:"

msgid "Group of checkboxes"
msgstr "Grupp ta' checkboxes"

msgid "HP West European"
msgstr "HP Ewropew tal-Punent"

msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Titolu"

msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "Ebrajk"

msgid "Hello %s,"
msgstr "Hello %s,"

msgid "Help about this question"
msgstr "Għajnuna fuq din il-mistoqsija"

msgid "Help:"
msgstr "Għajnuna:"

msgid "Hide advanced settings"
msgstr "Aħbi s-settings avvanzati"

msgid "Hide the tip that is normally shown with a question"
msgstr "Aħbi t-tip li normalment tintwera mal-mistoqsija"

msgid ""
"Hide this question at any time. This is useful for including data using "
"answer prefilling."
msgstr ""
"Aħbi din il-mistoqsija f'kull ħin.  Din hi utli għal meta tinkludi data li "
"tuża data prefilling."

msgid "Hindi"
msgstr "Ħindi"

msgid "How many rows to display"
msgstr "Kemm-il ringiela għandha tintwera"

msgid "Huge Free Text"
msgstr "Free Text Enormi"

msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Ungeriż"

msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

msgid "IP Addresses will be logged"
msgstr "L-Indirizzi tal-IP se jkunu lloggjati."

msgid "IP address"
msgstr "L-Indirizz tal-IP"

msgid "ISO 8859-7 Greek"
msgstr "ISO 8859-7 Grieg"

msgid "ISO 8859-8 Hebrew"
msgstr "ISO 8859-8 Ebrajk"

msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "Iżlandiż"

msgid "Identifier"
msgstr "L-identifikatur"

msgid "Identifier:"
msgstr "L-identifikatur:"

msgid ""
"If errors are showing up you might have to execute this script repeatedly."
msgstr ""
"Jekk hemm xi żbalji jidhru, probabbli jkollok tesegwixxi l-iskript "

msgid "If necessary the database will be updated."
msgstr "Jekk hemm bżonn, id-database jkun aġġornat."

msgid "If tokens are used, the public may register for this survey"
msgstr ""
"Jekk it-tokens huma użati, il-pubbliku jista' jirreġistra għal dan l-"

msgid ""
"If you delete this table tokens will no longer be required to access this "
msgstr ""
"Jekk tħassar dan, it-tabella ta' tokens ma tibqax aċċessibbli għal dan l-"

msgid ""
"If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive "
"any more invitations please click the following link:\n"
msgstr ""
"Jekk ma tridx li tipparteċipa f'dan l-istħarriġ u ma tridx tirċievi iktar "
"stediniet, jekk jogħġbok ikklikkja fuq il-link t'hawn taħt:\n"

msgid ""
"If you give an email address, an email containing the details will be sent "
"to you."
msgstr "Jekk tagħti l-indirizz tal-email, għandek tirċievi email bid-dettalji."

msgid ""
"If you have any questions regarding this mail please do not hesitate to "
"contact the site administrator at %s. Thank you!"
msgstr ""
"Jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet dwar din l-email, tiddejjaqx sabiex "
"tikkuntattja lil-amministratur tas-sit fuq %s.  Grazzi!"

msgid ""
"If you have been issued a token, please enter it in the box below and click "
msgstr ""
"Jekk għandek token, jekk jogħġbok niżżlu fil-kaxxa t'hawn taħt u kklikkja "

msgid ""
"If you switch email mode, you'll have to review your email templates to fit "
"the new format"
msgstr ""
"Jekk tbiddel għal email mode, ikollok terġa' tara t-templates tal-email biex "
"tiffittja l-format il-ġdid"

msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importa"

msgid "Import Label Set"
msgstr "Importa Set ta' Tikketti"

msgid "Import VV file"
msgstr "Importa VV fajl"

msgid "Import a VV survey file"
msgstr "Importa fajl tal-istħarriġ VV"

msgid "Import as not finalized answers?"
msgstr "Timporthom bħala tweġibiet mhux finalizzati?"

msgid "Import label set(s)"
msgstr "Importa s-sett(ijiet) ta' labels"

msgid "Import of label set(s) is completed."
msgstr "L-Importazzjoni tas-sett(ijiet) tal-labels huwa lest."

msgid "Import old tokens"
msgstr "Importa tokens qodma"

msgid "Import question group"
msgstr "Importa l-grupp tal-mistoqsija"

msgid "Import survey"
msgstr "Importa l-istħarriġ"

msgid "Important instructions"
msgstr "Istruzzjonijiet importanti"

msgid "Imported Files List"
msgstr "Il-lista ta' fajls importati"

msgid ""
"Impossible to delete this group because there is at least one question "
"having a condition on its content"
msgstr ""
"Huwa impossibbli li tħassar dan il-grupp għax fih mill-inqas mistoqsija "
"waħda li għandha kundizzjoni fil-kontenut tagħha."

msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "Mhux attiv"

msgid "Include:"
msgstr "Inkludi:"

msgid "Incomplete responses only"
msgstr "Tweġibiet li mhumiex kompluti biss"

msgid "Incorrect permissions in your %s folder."
msgstr "Permessi mhux korretti ġol-folder %s tiegħek."

msgid "Incorrect username and/or password!"
msgstr "Il-username u/jew il-password mhuwiex tajjeb!"

msgid "Increase"
msgstr "Żid"

msgid "Indonesian"
msgstr "Indoneżjan"

msgid "Initial Superadmin cannot be deleted!"
msgstr "Is-Superadmin tal-bidu ma jistax jiġi mħassar!"

msgid "Input"
msgstr "Daħħal"

msgid ""
"Insert a page break before this question in printable view by setting this "
"to Yes."
msgstr ""
"Daħħal waqfa fil-paġna (page break) qabel din il-mistoqsija fil-paġna li "
"tkun qed turi kif ġejja pprintjata billi tissettjaha għal Iva."

msgid "Insert page break in printable view"
msgstr ""
"Daħħal waqfa fil-paġna (page break) fil-paġna li tkun qed turi kif ġejja "

msgid "Instructions for the impatient"
msgstr "Istruzzjonijiet għal min hu bla paċenzja"

msgid "Invitation email subject:"
msgstr "It-titolu tal-email ta' stedina:"

msgid "Invitation email:"
msgstr "Email ta' stedina:"

msgid "Invitation sent date"
msgstr "Id-data ta' meta ntbagħtet l-istedina:"

msgid "Invitation sent to:"
msgstr "L-istedina ntbagħtet lill-:"

msgid "Invitation status:"
msgstr "L-istatus tal-istedina:"

msgid "Invited"
msgstr "Mistiedna"

msgid "Irish"
msgstr "Irlandiż"

msgid "It is presented group by group."
msgstr "Hija ppreżentata grupp grupp."

msgid "It is presented on one single page."
msgstr "Hija ppreżentata fuq paġna waħda."

msgid "It is presented question by question."
msgstr "Hija ppreżentata mistoqsija b'mistoqsija."

msgid "It uses cookies for access control."
msgstr "Dan juża' cookies għall-kontroll tal-aċċess.   "

msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Taljan"

msgid "Iterate survey"
msgstr "Tenni l-istħarriġ"

msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"

msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Ġappuniż"

msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Lul"

msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Ġun"

msgid "KOI8-R Relcom Russian"
msgstr "KOI8-R Relcom Russu"

msgid "KOI8-U Ukrainian"
msgstr "KOI8-U Ukraina"

msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Korejan"

msgid "LDAP is disabled or no LDAP query defined."
msgstr "LDAP huwa skonnetjat u l-ebda mistoqsija ta' LDAP mhi definita."

msgid "Label"
msgstr "Tabella"

msgid "Label %s"
msgstr "Tikketta %s"

msgid "Label for 'Other:' option"
msgstr "Label għal 'Oħrajn:' għażla"

msgid "Label set browser"
msgstr "Agħti tikketta lill-brawżer issettjat"

msgid "Label set import summary"
msgstr "Sommarju tal-importazzjoni tas-sett ta' labels"

msgid "Label set was not imported because the same label set already exists."
msgstr ""
"Is-sett ta' labels ma ġiex impurtat għaliex is-sett ta' labels diġa' jeżisti."

msgid "Label sets"
msgstr "Settijiet ta' tikketti"

msgid "Label:"
msgstr "Tabella:"

msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Tabelli"

msgid "Language"
msgstr "Lingwa"

msgid "Language Switch"
msgstr "Bidla fil-Lingwa"

msgid "Language code"
msgstr "Il-kodiċi tal-lingwa"

msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Lingwi"

msgid "Languages:"
msgstr "Lingwi:"

msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Kunjom"

msgid "Last page"
msgstr "L-aħħar paġna"

msgid "Later than:"
msgstr "Iktar tard minn:"

msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "Latvjan"

msgid "Less than"
msgstr "Inqas minn"

msgid "Less than or equal to"
msgstr "Inqas minn jew daqs"

msgid "Less than:"
msgstr "Inqas minn:"

msgid "LimeSurvey can attempt to create this database for you."
msgstr "LimeSurvey jista' jipprova joħloq dan id-database għalik."

msgid "Limit"
msgstr "Limitu"

msgid "Limit the number of possible answers"
msgstr "Illimita n-numbru ta' tweġibiet possibbli"

msgid "Limit time to answer question (in seconds)"
msgstr "Illimita l-ħin biex titwieġeb il-mistoqsija"

msgid "List"
msgstr "Agħmel lista"

msgid "List (Dropdown)"
msgstr "Lista (Dropdown)"

msgid "List (Radio)"
msgstr "Lista (Radju)"

msgid "List survey publicly:"
msgstr "Tagħmel l-istħarriġ f'lista pubblika:"

msgid "List with comment"
msgstr "Lista bil-kummenti"

msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr "Litwan"

msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Qiegħed jillowdja..."

msgid "Logic"
msgstr "Loġika"

msgid "Logout successful."
msgstr "Il-logout sar b'suċċess."

msgid "Mac Central European"
msgstr "Mac Ċentrali Ewropew"

msgid "Mac West European"
msgstr "Mac West Ewropew"

msgid "Macedonian"
msgstr "Maċedonjan"

msgid "Mail to all Members"
msgstr "Posta għal Membri Kollha"

msgid "Main Admin Screen"
msgstr "L-Iskrin prinċipali ta' l-Admin"

msgid "Make a comment on your choice here:"
msgstr "Halli kumment fuq l-għażla tiegħek hawnhekk:"

msgid ""
"Make the 'Other:' comment field mandatory when the 'Other:' option is active"
msgstr ""
"Agħmel il-field tal-kumment l-'Oħrajn:' mandatorja meta l-għażla hi "
"attiva    "

msgid "Malay"
msgstr "Malajan"

msgid "Male"
msgstr "Raġel"

msgid "Mandatory Question"
msgstr "Mistoqsija ta' Bilfors"

msgid "Mandatory fields:"
msgstr "Fields Mandatorji:"

msgid "Mandatory:"
msgstr "Bilfors:"

msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"

msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "Massimu"

msgid "Maximum answers"
msgstr "Massimu ta' Tweġibiet"

msgid "Maximum characters"
msgstr "Ittri massimi"

msgid "Maximum characters allowed"
msgstr "Il-massimu ta' ittri li jippermetti"

msgid "Maximum sum value"
msgstr "Il-massimu tal-valur totali"

msgid "Maximum sum value of multiple numeric input"
msgstr "Il-valur massimu tal-inputs numeriċi"

msgid "Maximum value"
msgstr "Il-Valur massimu"

msgid "Maximum value for array(mult-flexible) question type"
msgstr "Il-valur massimu għal tip ta' mistoqsija array(multi-flexible) "

msgid "May"
msgstr "Mejju"

msgid "Maybe you don't have permission."
msgstr "Forsi m'għandekx permess."

msgid "Message"
msgstr "Messaġġ"

msgid "Message:"
msgstr "Messaġġ:"

msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "Minimu"

msgid "Minimum answers"
msgstr "Il-minimu ta' tweġibiet"

msgid "Minimum sum value"
msgstr "Il-mimimu tal-valur totali"

msgid "Minimum value"
msgstr "Il-Valur minimu"

msgid "Minimum value for array(multi-flexible) question type"
msgstr "Il-valur minimu għal tip ta' mistoqsija array(multi-flexible)"

msgid "Month"
msgstr "Xahar"

msgid "Move on without warning"
msgstr "Kompli mingħajr twissija"

msgid "Multiple Numerical Input"
msgstr "Input Numeriku Multipli"

msgid "Multiple Short Text"
msgstr "Short Text Multipli"

msgid "Multiple numeric inputs sum must equal this value"
msgstr "It-total ta' inputs numeriċi jrid ikun daqs dan il-valur"

msgid "Name"
msgstr "Isem"

msgid "Name of the survey"
msgstr "Isem tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "Name of the survey administrator"
msgstr "L-isem tal-amministratur tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Isem:"

msgid "New answer option"
msgstr "Għażla tat-tweġiba ġdida"

msgid "New files were successfully installed."
msgstr "Fajls ġodda ġew installati b'suċċess."

msgid "New files will be downloaded and installed."
msgstr "Fajls ġodda se jkunu ddawnlowdjati u installati"

msgid "New quota"
msgstr "Kwota ġdida"

msgid "New survey title:"
msgstr "Titolu ġdid għall-istħarriġ:"

msgid "Next"
msgstr "Li jmiss"

msgid "No"
msgstr "Le"

msgid "No GID (Group) has been provided. Cannot import question"
msgstr ""
"L-ebda GID (Stħarriġ) ma ġie pprovdut.  Il-mistoqsija ma tistax tiġi "

msgid "No HTML editor"
msgstr "M'hemmx editur għall-HTML"

msgid "No SID (Survey) has been provided. Cannot import question."
msgstr ""
"L-ebda SID (Stħarriġ) ma ġie pprovdut.  Il-mistoqsija ma tistax tiġi "

msgid "No Username selected."
msgstr "L-ebda username ma ingħażel"

msgid "No answer"
msgstr "L-Ebda tweġiba"

msgid "No available surveys"
msgstr "M'hemmx stħarriġ disponibbli"

msgid "No conditions could be copied (due to duplicates)"
msgstr "L-ebda kundizzjoni ma setgħet tiġi kkupjata (minħabba d-duplikati)"

msgid "No invitation code is needed to complete the survey."
msgstr ""
"L-ebda kodiċi tal-istediniet mhu neċessarju sabiex tkompli l-istħarriġ."

msgid "No matching group"
msgstr "M'hemmx grupp li jaqbel"

msgid "No matching question"
msgstr "M'hemmx mistoqsija li taqbel"

msgid "No matching survey"
msgstr "M'hemmx stħarriġ li jaqbel"

msgid "No of surveys"
msgstr "Numru tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "No quotas have been set for this survey"
msgstr "L-ebda kwota ma giet maħluqa għal dan l-istħarrig"

msgid "No reminder(s) sent"
msgstr "L-ebda tfakkira ma ntbagħtet"

msgid "No replacement variable available for this field"
msgstr "M'hemmx sostituzzjoni għal variable disponibbli għal din il-field"

msgid "No, thanks."
msgstr "Le, grazzi."

msgid "Nominal"
msgstr "Nominali"

msgid "None"
msgstr "Xejn"

msgid "Norwegian (Bokmal)"
msgstr "Norveġiż (Bokmal)"

msgid "Norwegian (Nynorsk)"
msgstr "Norveġiż (Nynorsk)"

msgid "Not Selected"
msgstr "Mhux Magħżul/a"

msgid "Not completed or Not displayed"
msgstr "Mhux lesti jew Mhux murija"

msgid "Not displayed"
msgstr "Mhux murija"

msgid "Not enough values for calculation"
msgstr "M'hemmx biżżejjed valuri għal kalkoli"

msgid "Not equal to"
msgstr "Mhux daqs"

msgid "Not found"
msgstr "Ma nstabx"

msgid "Not imported label sets"
msgstr "Is-settijiet ta' labels ma ġewx importati"

msgid "Not invited"
msgstr "Mhux mistieden/na"

msgid "Not started"
msgstr "Għadu ma bediex"

msgid ""
"Note that this assessment section will only show if assessment rules have "
"been set and assessment mode is activated."
msgstr ""
"Innota li s-sezzjoni tal-assessment se tidher jekk ir-regoli tal-assessment "
"ġew maħluqa u jekk l-assessment mode ġie attivat."

msgid ""
"Note that you cannot undo a delete if you proceed. The data will be gone."
msgstr ""
"Innota li ma tistax iġġib lura dak li ħassart jekk tkompli.  Id-data tkun "

msgid ""
"Note: If you deactivated this survey in error, it is possible to restore "
"this data easily if you do not make any changes to the survey structure. See "
"the LimeSurvey documentation for further details"
msgstr ""
"Nota: Jekk tiskonnettja dan l-istħarriġ bi żball, huwa possibbli li "
"tirristorja din id-data faċilment sakemm ma tagħmilx xi tibdil fl-istruttura "

msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"

msgid "Null values are ignored in calculations"
msgstr "Null values huma njorati waqt il-kalkoli"

msgid "Number of attribute fields to add:"
msgstr "Numru ta' attribwiti tal-fields li jridu jiżdiedu:"

msgid "Number of cases"
msgstr "Numru ta' każi"

msgid "Number of records in this query:"
msgstr "Numru ta' rekord f'din il-mistoqsija:"

msgid "Numbers only"
msgstr "Numri biss"

msgid "Numbers only for 'Other'"
msgstr "Numri biss għal 'Oħrajn'"

msgid "Numerical Input"
msgstr "Input Numeriku  "

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "OR"
msgstr "JEW"

msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Ott"

msgid "Off"
msgstr "Mitfi"

msgid "On"
msgstr "Mixgħul"

msgid "On errors"
msgstr "Dwar l-iżbalji"

msgid ""
"On requesting the update information from there has been an "
msgstr ""
"Kien hemm xi żball meta staqsejt għal xi informazzjoni dwar l-aġġornament "
"minn fuq"

msgid "Once a survey is activated you can no longer:"
msgstr "La darba l-istħarriġ hu attivat, ma tistax tibqa':"

msgid ""
"One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. You cannot proceed "
"until these have been completed."
msgstr ""
"Hemm xi mistoqsija jew mistoqsijiet li ma ġewx imwieġba.  Dawn il-"
"mistoqsijiet iridu jkunu lesti sabiex tkompli."

msgid ""
"One or more questions have not been answered in a valid manner. You cannot "
"proceed until these answers are valid."
msgstr ""
"Hemm xi mistoqsija jew iktar minn mistoqsija waħda li ma ġewx imwieġba b'mod "
"validu.  Dawn it-tweġibiet iridu jkunu validi sabiex tkompli."

msgid "Only answer this if the following conditions are met:"
msgstr ""
"Wieġeb biss jekk il-kundizzjonijiet li hawn miktuba hawn taħt huma milħuqa:"

msgid "Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:"
msgstr "Wieġeb din il-mistoqsija jekk jintlaħqu dawn l-kundizzjonijiet biss:"

msgid "Option 'Other':"
msgstr "Għażla 'Oħrajn':"

msgid "Optional Question"
msgstr "Mistoqsija Fakultattiva"

msgid "Optional fields:"
msgstr "Fields Fakoltattivi:"

msgid "Ordinal"
msgstr "Ordinali"

msgid "Other"
msgstr "Oħrajn"

msgid "Other comment"
msgstr "Kummenti oħra"

msgid "Other:"
msgstr "Oħrajn:"

msgid "Output options"
msgstr "Għażliet għall-output"

msgid "Overall assessment score"
msgstr "Il-punteġġ tal-assessment/valutazzjoni globali"

msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Sid"

msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"

msgid "Partial"
msgstr "Parzjali"

msgid "Participants can save partially finished surveys"
msgstr "Il-parteċipanti jistgħu jissejvjaw stħarriġ li hu lest parzjalment"

msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"

msgid "Percentage"
msgstr "Perċentwali"

msgid "Percentage of total:"
msgstr "Perċentwal tat-total:"

msgid "Persian"
msgstr "Persjan"

msgid "Please check any problems above and then proceed to the final step."
msgstr ""
"Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja għal xi problemi hawn fuq, imbagħad kompli għall-pass "

msgid "Please check at least one item."
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja, mill-inqas, item wieħed."

msgid "Please check the directory permissions."
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja l-permessi tad-direttorju."

msgid "Please choose"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħżel"

msgid "Please choose *all* that apply:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħżel *all* li japplika:"

msgid "Please choose *only one* of the following:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħzel *only one* minn dawn li ġejjin:"

msgid "Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħżel dak kollu li japplika u ħalli kumment:"

msgid "Please choose the appropriate response for each item:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok ikteb ir-risposta xierqa għal kull item:"

msgid "Please choose the label sets you want to export:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħżel il-label set li int tixtieq tesporta:"

msgid "Please choose..."
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħzel"

msgid ""
"Please confirm the token by answering the security question below and click "
msgstr ""
"Jekk jogħġbok ikkonferma t-token billi twieġeb il-mistoqsija ta' sigurta' "
"t'hawn taħt u kklikkja Kompli."

msgid "Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lil %s ( %s ) għal iktar għajnuna."

msgid "Please enter a date:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok daħħal data:"

msgid "Please enter your comment here"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok niżżel il-kumment tiegħek hawn"

msgid "Please explain something in detail:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok, spjega xi ħaġa fid-dettall:"

msgid "Please fax your completed survey to:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok ibgħat fax bl-istħarriġ komplut lill-:"

msgid "Please number each box in order of preference from 1 to"
msgstr ""
"Jekk jogħġbok agħti numru f'kull kaxxa skont il-preferenza tiegħek minn 1 sa"

msgid "Please select a file to import!"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħżel fajl biex timporta! "

msgid "Please select a language:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħżel lingwa:"

msgid "Please select a user first"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħżel klijent/a"

msgid "Please select a user group first"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħżel il-grupp ta' klijent/a l-ewwel"

msgid "Please submit by %s"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok issottometti sa %s"

msgid "Please write your answer here:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok ikteb it-tweġiba tiegħek hawn:"

msgid "Please write your answer(s) here:"
msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok ikteb it-tweġiba/tweġibiet tiegħek hawnhekk:"

msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Pollak"

msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Portugiż"

msgid "Portuguese (Brazilian)"
msgstr "Portugiż (Brażiljan)"

msgid "Predefined"
msgstr "Predefinit"

msgid "Predefined label sets..."
msgstr "Settijiet ta' tikketti predefiniti"

msgid "Prefix|Suffix for dropdown lists"
msgstr "Prefiss|Suffiss għal-listi li qegħdin f'forma ta' dropdown"

msgid "Present as text input boxes instead of dropdown lists"
msgstr ""
"Ippreżenta bħala kaxxi fejn iddaħħal it-text/kitba minflok listi ta' "
"dropdown "

msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "Preview:"

msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Ta' Qabel"

msgid "Previous questions"
msgstr "Mistoqsijiet ta' qabel"

msgid "Previous session is set to be finished."
msgstr "Is-sezzjoni ta' qabel hija ssettjata sabiex titlesta."

msgid "Print your answers."
msgstr "Ipprintja t-tweġibiet tiegħek."

msgid "Q1 and Q3 calculated using %s"
msgstr "Q1 u Q3 huma kkalkolati bl-użu ta' %s"

msgid "Question"
msgstr "Mistoqsija"

msgid "Question Type:"
msgstr "Tip ta' Mistoqsija"

msgid "Question attributes"
msgstr "Attribwiti tal-Mistoqsija"

msgid "Question attributes:"
msgstr "L-attributi għal mistoqsija:"

msgid "Question by Question"
msgstr "Mistoqsija b'Mistoqsija"

msgid "Question could not be created."
msgstr "Il-mistoqsija ma setgħetx tiġi maħluqa"

msgid "Question could not be updated"
msgstr "Il-mistoqsija ma setgħetx tiġi aġġornata"

msgid ""
"Question could not be updated. There are conditions for other questions that "
"rely on the answers to this question and changing the type will cause "
"problems. You must delete these conditions before you can change the type of "
"this question."
msgstr ""
"Il-mistoqsija ma setgħetx tiġi aġġornata.  Hemm kundizzjonijet għal "
"mistoqsijiet oħra li għandhom bżonn it-tweġibiet għal din il-mistoqsija u "
"jekk tbiddel it-tip se jinħolqu l-problemi.  Hemm bżonn li tħassar dawn il-"
"kundizzjonijet qabel ma tbiddel it-tip ta din il-mistoqsija."

msgid "Question group"
msgstr "Grupp tal-mistoqsija"

msgid "Question group import is complete."
msgstr "L-importazzjoni tal-grupp tal-mistoqsija huwa lest."

msgid "Question group import summary"
msgstr "Sommarju tal-importazzjoni tal-grupp tal-mistoqsija"

msgid "Question group:"
msgstr "Il-grupp tal-mistoqsija:"

msgid "Question groups"
msgstr "Il-Gruppi tal-mistoqsijiet"

msgid "Question import is complete."
msgstr "L-importazzjoni tal-mistoqsija huwa komplut."

msgid "Question import summary"
msgstr "Sommarju dwar l-importazzjoni tal-mistoqsija"

msgid "Question in language %s could not be created."
msgstr "Il-mistoqsija bil-lingwa %s ma setgħetx tiġi maħluqa."

msgid "Question:"
msgstr "Mistoqsija:"

msgid "Questions"
msgstr "Mistoqsijiet"

msgid "Questions with conditions to this group"
msgstr "Mistoqsijiet bil-kundizzjonijiet għal dan il-grupp"

msgid "Quick CSV report"
msgstr "Rapport CSV ta' malajr"

msgid "Quick add..."
msgstr "Żieda ta' malajr ..."

msgid "Quick statistics"
msgstr "Statistiċi ta' malajr"

msgid "Quota action"
msgstr "L-Azzjoni tal-kwota"

msgid "Quota name"
msgstr "L-isem tal-kwota"

msgid "Quotas"
msgstr "Kwoti"

msgid "Rank %s"
msgstr "Grad/Rank %s"

msgid "Ranking"
msgstr "Il-Grad"

msgid "Record Deleted"
msgstr "Rekord Imħassar"

msgid "Records displayed:"
msgstr "Ir-rekords murija:"

msgid "Records imported"
msgstr "Ir-Rekords importati"

msgid "Referrer URL"
msgstr "Min irrefera URL"

msgid "RegExp"
msgstr "RegExp"

msgid "Registration"
msgstr "Reġistrazzjoni"

msgid "Regular expression"
msgstr "Espressjoni regolari"

msgid ""
"Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into "
"your browser):"
msgstr ""
"Erġa' ġib l-istħarriġ tiegħek billi tikklikkja fuq il-link miktuba hawn taħt "
"(jew iktibha fuq il-brawżer tiegħek):"

msgid "Remaining"
msgstr "Kemm Fadal"

msgid "Reminder Email:"
msgstr "Email ta' Tfakkira:"

msgid "Reminder count"
msgstr "L-għadd tat-tfakkira"

msgid "Reminder count:"
msgstr "L-għadd ta' tfakkiriet:"

msgid "Reminder sent to:"
msgstr "Tfakkira ntbagħtet fuq:"

msgid "Reminder sent?"
msgstr "It-Tfakkira ntbagħtet?"

msgid "Reminder status:"
msgstr "L-istatus ta' tfakkira:"

msgid "Reminder(s) sent"
msgstr "Tfakkira/Tfakkiriet intbagħtu"

msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Neħħi"

msgid "Renumber the new record."
msgstr "Erġa' agħti numru lir-rekord il-ġdid."

msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Biddel"

msgid "Replace the existing record."
msgstr "Issostitwixxi lir-rekord eżistenti."

msgid "Report and skip the new record."
msgstr "Irrapporta u aqbeż ir-rekord il-ġdid."

msgid "Required"
msgstr "Meħtieġa"

msgid "Reset all your tokens to the 'not used' state"
msgstr "Irrisettja t-tokens kollha għall-istat 'mhux użat'"

msgid "Reset answers and token completed state"
msgstr "Tirrisettja l-istat lest tat-tweġibiet u tat-tokens "

msgid "Reset the completed answers to the incomplete state"
msgstr "Irrisettja t-tweġibiet lesti għall-istat mhux komplut"

msgid "Resources Import Summary"
msgstr "Sommarju dwar l-importazzjoni tar-riżorsi"

msgid "Response filters"
msgstr "Filters tar-rispons"

msgid "Response summary"
msgstr "Sommarju tar-rispons"

msgid "Responses"
msgstr "Risposti"

msgid "Responses containing"
msgstr "Tweġibiet li jikludu"

msgid "Responses will be date stamped."
msgstr "Ir-risposti ħa jkunu stampati b'data."

msgid "Responses will have the IP address logged"
msgstr "Ir-risposti ħa jkollhom l-indirizz tal-IP illoggjat."

msgid "Responses will have their referring URL logged."
msgstr "Ir-risposti ħa jkollhom il-URL li rreferihom illogjat."

msgid "Responses will not be date stamped."
msgstr "Ir-risposti mhux ħa jkunu stampati b'data."

msgid "Responses will not have the IP address logged."
msgstr "Ir-risposti mhux ħa jkollhom indirizz tal-IP illoggjat."

msgid "Responses will not have their referring URL logged."
msgstr "Ir-risposti mhux ħa jkollhom il-URL li rreferihom illoggjat."

msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Restore"

msgid "Restore options"
msgstr "Irristorja l-għażliet"

msgid "Result"
msgstr "Riżultat"

msgid "Results"
msgstr "Riżultati"

msgid "Return to label set administration"
msgstr "Mur lura għall-amministrazzjoni tas-sett tal-labels"

msgid "Return to survey administration"
msgstr "Mur lura għall-amministrazzjoni tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Rumen"

msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Russu"

msgid "SMTP debug mode:"
msgstr "Il-mode ta' SMTP debug:"

msgid "SMTP host:"
msgstr "SMTP host:"

msgid "SMTP password:"
msgstr "SMTP password:"

msgid "SMTP username:"
msgstr "SMTP username:"

msgid "SPSS export scale type"
msgstr "It-tip tal-iskala għall-esportazzjoni SPSS "


msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"

msgid "Same"
msgstr "L-Istess"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "Issejvja"

msgid "Save Now"
msgstr "Issejvja issa"

msgid ""
"Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the "
"R command window to get and set it)"
msgstr ""
"Issejvja t-tnejn li huma fuq id-direttorju R li qed jaħdem (uża getwd() u "
"setwd() fuq l-R command window biex takkwistaha u tissettjaha)"

msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Issejvja t-tibdil"

msgid "Save for further completion by survey user"
msgstr "Issejvja għal iktar tlestija minn min qiegħed juża l-istħarriġ"

msgid "Save question group"
msgstr "Issejvja l-grupp tal-mistoqsija"

msgid "Save settings"
msgstr "Issejvja is-settings"

msgid "Save this, then create another:"
msgstr "Issejvja din, imbagħad oħloq oħra:"

msgid "Saved Survey Details"
msgstr "Id-dettalji tal-istħarriġ ġew issejvjati"

msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Skala"

msgid "Scale 1"
msgstr "Skala 1"

msgid "Scale 2"
msgstr "Skala 2"

msgid "Scenario"
msgstr "Xenarju"

msgid "Scope"
msgstr "Skop"

msgid "Screen:"
msgstr "Skrijn:"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "Fittex"

msgid "Security"
msgstr "Sigurtà"

msgid "Security question:"
msgstr "Mistoqsija ta' sigurtà:"

msgid "Select survey to copy:"
msgstr "Agħżel l-istħarriġ għal kopja:"

msgid "Select template ZIP file:"
msgstr "Agħżel ż-ZIP fajl tat-template:"

msgid "Select the LDAP query you want to run:"
msgstr "Agħżel il-mistoqsija ta' LDAP li inti trid tirranja:"

msgid "Send"
msgstr "Ibgħat"

msgid "Send Invitations"
msgstr "Ibgħat l-istediniet"

msgid "Send Reminders"
msgstr "Ibgħat tfakkira"

msgid "Send email invitation"
msgstr "Ibgħat stedina permezz ta' email"

msgid "Send email invitations"
msgstr "Ibgħat stediniet permezz ta' email"

msgid "Send email reminder"
msgstr "Ibgħat tfakkira permezz ta' email"

msgid "Send me a copy:"
msgstr "Ibgħatli kopja:"

msgid "Send reminder to token ID(s):"
msgstr "Ibgħat tfakkira lill-ID(s):"

msgid "Sending invitations..."
msgstr "Qed jintbagħtu t-tweġibiet..."

msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Sett"

msgid "Server time:"
msgstr "Il-ħin tas-server:"

msgid "Set Survey Rights"
msgstr "Agħmel id-drittijiet tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "Set a specific SPSS export scale type for this question"
msgstr ""
"Issettja tip ta' skala għall-esportazzjoni ta' SPSS speċifiku għal din il-"

msgid "Set name:"
msgstr "L-isem tas-sett"

msgid "Set template permissions for this user"
msgstr "Issettja t-templates tal-permess għal dan il-klijent"

msgid "Set token length to:"
msgstr "Agħmel it-tul ta' token daqs:"

msgid "Shift-JIS Japanese"
msgstr "Shift-JIS Ġappuniż"

msgid "Should we proceed with the delete?"
msgstr "Nistgħu nkompli bit-tħassir?"

msgid "Show"
msgstr "Uri"

msgid "Show 'no answer' option for non-mandatory questions:"
msgstr ""
"Uri l-għażla ta' 'L-ebda tweġiba' għal mistoqsijiet li mhumiex mandatorji:"

msgid "Show PHPInfo"
msgstr "Uri PHPInfo"

msgid "Show advanced settings"
msgstr "Uri s-settings avvanzati"

msgid "Show conditions for this question"
msgstr "Uri l-kundizzjonijiet ta' din il-mistoqsija"

msgid "Show in public statistics"
msgstr "Uri fi statistika pubblika"

msgid "Show last.."
msgstr "Uri tal-aħħar.."

msgid "Show next.."
msgstr "Uri li jmiss.."

msgid "Show next..."
msgstr "Uri li jmiss..."

msgid "Show previous.."
msgstr "Uri ta' qabel.."

msgid "Show previous..."
msgstr "Uri ta' qabel..."

msgid "Show start..."
msgstr "Uri tal-bidu..."

msgid "Show statistics of this question in the public statistics page"
msgstr ""
"Uri l-istatistika ta' din il-mistoqsija fil-paġna tal-istatistika pubblika"

msgid "Single checkbox"
msgstr "Checkbox waħda"

msgid "Sinhala"
msgstr "Sinħaliż"

msgid "Site name:"
msgstr "L-isem tas-sit:"

msgid "Slider"
msgstr "Slider"

msgid "Slider accuracy"
msgstr "Il-preċiżjoni tas-slider"

msgid "Slider initial value"
msgstr "Il-valur tal-bidu tas-slider"

msgid "Slider left/right text separator"
msgstr "Slider xellug/lemin separatur tal-kitba"

msgid "Slider maximum value"
msgstr "Il-valur massimu tas-slider"

msgid "Slider minimum value"
msgstr "Il-valur minimu tas-slider"

msgid "Slider starts at the middle position"
msgstr "Slider jibda mal-pożizzjoni tan-nofs"

msgid "Slovak"
msgstr "Slovakk"

msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "Sloven"

msgid "Some URL description"
msgstr "Xi deskrizzjoni tal-URL"

msgid "Some example answer option"
msgstr "Xi ftit eżempji tal-għażla ta' tweġiba"

msgid "Some example subquestion"
msgstr "Xi ftit eżempji ta' sottomistoqsijiet"

msgid "Some piece-of-cake steps to create your very own first survey:"
msgstr "Ftit passi ħfief fuq kif toħloq l-ewwel stħarriġ tiegħek:"

msgid "Sorry there are no supported question types in this survey."
msgstr ""
"B'dispjaċir inħabbru li dan l-istħarriġ m'għandux tipi ta' mistoqsijiet "

msgid "Sorry your responses have exceeded a quota on this survey."
msgstr "Skużi, ir-risposti tiegħek qabżu l-kwota għal dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid "Sorry, but the LDAP module is missing in your PHP configuration."
msgstr ""
"Jiddispjaċina, iżda il-module ta' LDAP huwa nieqes mill-konfigurazzjoni ta' "
"PHP tiegħek."

msgid "Sort answers alphabetically"
msgstr "Irranġa t-tweġibiet skont l-alfabett"

msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Spanjol"

msgid "Spanish (Mexico)"
msgstr "Spanjol (Messiku)"

msgid "Standard deviation"
msgstr "Standard deviation"

msgid "Start date/time:"
msgstr "Id-data/ħin tal-bidu:"

msgid "Start language"
msgstr "Ibda lingwa"

msgid "Started but not yet completed"
msgstr "Inbeda imma għadu mhux lest"

msgid "Starting from:"
msgstr "Tibda minn:"

msgid "Status"
msgstr "Stat"

msgid "Step 1:"
msgstr "L-Ewwel Pass:"

msgid "Step 2:"
msgstr "It-Tieni Pass:"

msgid "Step value"
msgstr "Il-valur tal-pass"

msgid "Straight"
msgstr "Dritt"

msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Suġġett"

msgid "Submission date"
msgstr "Id-data tas-sottomissjoni"

msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Ibgħat"

msgid "Submit Your Survey."
msgstr "Ibgħat l-istħarriġ tiegħek."

msgid "Submit your answers"
msgstr "Ibgħat ir-risposti tiegħek"

msgid "Submit your survey."
msgstr "Ibgħat l-istħarriġ tiegħek."

msgid "Subquestion"
msgstr "Sottomistoqsija"

msgid "Subquestion:"
msgstr "Sottomistoqsija:"

msgid "Subquestions"
msgstr "Subdomandi"

msgid "Success"
msgstr "Suċċess"

msgid "Success!"
msgstr "Suċċess!"

msgid "Successfully created token entries"
msgstr "L-entries tat-token ġew maħluqa b'suċċess"

msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Total"

msgid "Support this project - Donate to "
msgstr "Għin lil dan il-progett - Ibgħat id-donazzjoni tiegħek fuq"

msgid "Survey"
msgstr "Stħarriġ"

msgid "Survey Has Been Deactivated"
msgstr "L-istħarriġ ġie Skonnettjat"

msgid "Survey ID %d saved at %s containing %d record(s)"
msgstr "L-ID tal-istħarriġ %d huwa ssejvjat fi %s u fih %d rekord(s)"

msgid "Survey cannot be activated yet."
msgstr "L-Istħarriġ ma jistax jigi attivat għalissa."

msgid ""
"Survey cannot be activated. Either you have no permission or there are no "
msgstr ""
"L-istħarriġ ma jistax jigi attivat.  Inti m'għandekx permess jew m'hemmx "

msgid "Survey copy summary"
msgstr "Kopja tas-sommarju tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "Survey could not be created because it did not have a title"
msgstr "L-istħarriġ ma setax jinħoloq għax ma kellux titolu"

msgid "Survey could not be updated"
msgstr "L-istħarriġ ma setax jiġi aġġornat"

msgid "Survey does not pass consistency check"
msgstr "L-istħarriġ ma jgħaddix mit-test tal-konsistenza"

msgid "Survey has been activated. Results table has been successfully created."
msgstr ""
"L-istħarriġ ġie attivat.  Tabella bir-riżultati ġiet maħluqa b'suċċess."

msgid "Survey import summary"
msgstr "Sommarju tal-importazzjoni tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "Survey name (ID)"
msgstr "L-isem tal-istħarriġ (ID)"

msgid "Survey quotas"
msgstr "Il-Kwoti ta' l-istħarriġ"

msgid "Survey registration confirmation"
msgstr "Il-konferma tar-reġistrazzjoni pubblika"

msgid "Surveys"
msgstr "Stħarriġ"

msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "Svediż"

msgid "Switch to closed-access mode"
msgstr "Aqleb għall-closed-access mode"

msgid "System overview"
msgstr "Overview tas-sistema"

msgid "TIS620 Thai"
msgstr "TIS620 Thai"

msgid "TLS"
msgstr "TLS"

msgid "Template '%s' does already exist."
msgstr "Template'%s' diġa' teżisti."

msgid "Template '%s' was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Template '%s' ġiet mħassra b'suċċess."

msgid "Template Sample"
msgstr "Kampjun Template"

msgid "Template permissions were updated successfully."
msgstr "Il-permessi tat-template ġew aġġornati b'suċċess."

msgid "Template:"
msgstr "Template:"

msgid "Terminate survey"
msgstr "Waqqaf l-istħarriġ"

msgid "Text inputs"
msgstr "Ikteb l-inputs"

msgid "Thai"
msgstr "Tajlandiż"

msgid "Thank you for completing this survey."
msgstr "Grazzi talli lestejt dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid "Thank you for registering to participate in this survey."
msgstr "Grazzi talli rreġistrajt sabiex tipparteċipa f'dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid ""
"Thank you for saving your survey in progress.  The following details can be "
"used to return to this survey and continue where you left off.  Please keep "
"this e-mail for your reference - we cannot retrieve the password for you."
msgstr ""
"Grazzi talli ssejvjajt l-istħarriġ tiegħek mill-quddiem.  Dawn id-dettalji "
"jistgħu jintużaw biex tirritorna għal dan l-istħarriġ u tkompli fejn "
"ħallejt.  Jekk jogħġbok żomm din l-email biex tirreferi għaliha - aħna ma "
"nistgħux nakkwistawlek il-password tiegħek."

msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Grazzi!"

msgid ""
"The 'time limit warning' will stay visible for this many seconds (will not "
"turn off if this setting is left blank)"
msgstr ""
"It-'twissija tal-limitu ta' ħin' se tibqa' tidher għal dawn is-sekondi (ma "
"tintefiex jekk dan is-setting jitħalla vojt)"

msgid ""
"The 2nd 'time limit warning' will stay visible for this many seconds (will "
"not turn off if this setting is left blank)"
msgstr ""
"It-tieni 'twissija tal-limitu ta' ħin' se tibqa' tidher għal dawn is-sekondi "
"(ma tintefiex jekk dan is-setting jitħalla vojt)"

msgid ""
"The 2nd message to display as a 'time limit warning' (a default warning will "
"display if this is left blank)"
msgstr ""
"It-tieni messaġġ li jintwera bħala 'twissija għal-limitu ta' ħin' (twissija "
"ssettjata bħala default tintwera jekk dan l-ispazju jitħalla vojt)"

msgid ""
"The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate is an easy procedure to quickly update to the "
"latest version of LimeSurvey."
msgstr ""
"Il-LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate huwa proċedura faċli sabiex taġġorna malajr l-"
"aħħar verżjoni tal-LimeSurvey."

msgid ""
"The answer options will be distributed across the number of columns set here"
msgstr ""
"L-għażliet ta' tweġibiet se jiġu mqassma matul in-numru ta' kolonni "
"ssettjati hawn"

msgid "The answer to the security question is incorrect."
msgstr "It-tweġiba għall-mistoqsija ta' sigurta' mhijiex tajba."

msgid "The email address is not valid."
msgstr "L-indirizz tal-email mhuwiex validu."

msgid "The email you used is not valid. Please try again."
msgstr "L-email li użajt mhux validu.  Jekk jogħġbok erġa' pprova."

msgid "The entry was assigned the following record id: "
msgstr "Ir-rekord id li ġie assenjat għall-entry tiegħek huwa: "

msgid ""
"The following files will be modified or deleted but were already modified by "
"someone else."
msgstr ""
"Dawn il-fajls li ġejjin kellhom jinbidlu jew jitħassru iżda diġa' ġew "
"mibdula minn xi ħadd ieħor."

msgid ""
"The following old survey response tables exist and may be deleted if no "
"longer required:"
msgstr ""
"It-tabelli tal-istħarriġ li ġejjin jeżistu u jistgħu jitħassru jekk "
"m'għandekx bżonnhom iktar:"

msgid ""
"The following old token list tables exist and may be deleted if no longer "
msgstr ""
"It-tabelli tal-listi li ġejjin jeżistu u jistgħu jitħassru jekk m'għandekx "
"bżonnhom iktar:"

msgid "The following problems have been found:"
msgstr "Instabu l-problemi li ġejjin:"

msgid "The following steps will be done by this update:"
msgstr "Il-passi li ġejjin iseħħu b'dan l-aġġornament:"

msgid "The following surveys are available:"
msgstr "L-istħarriġ li ġejjin huma disponibbli:"

msgid ""
"The languages of the imported group file must at least include the base "
"language of this survey."
msgstr ""
"Il-lingwi tal-gruppi importati ghandhom għall-inqas jinkludu l-lingwa bażika "
"ta' dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid ""
"The languages of the imported question file must at least include the base "
"language of this survey."
msgstr ""
" Il-lingwi tal-fajl importat tal-mistoqsijiet għandu jinkludi mill-inqas il-"
"lingwa bażika tal-istħarriġ."

msgid ""
"The message to display as a 'time limit warning' (a default warning will "
"display if this is left blank)"
msgstr ""
"Il-messaġġ li jintwera bħala 'twissija għal-limitu ta' ħin' (twissija "
"ssettjata bħala default tintwera jekk dan l-ispazju jitħalla vojt)"

msgid ""
"The message to display when the time limit has expired (a default message "
"will display if this setting is left blank)"
msgstr ""
"Il-messaġġ li jintwera meta l-limitu ta' ħin ikun skada (messaġġ issettjat "
"bħala dafault jintwera jekk dan is-setting jitħalla vojt)"

msgid ""
"The question could not be added. You must enter at least enter a question "
msgstr ""
"Din il-mistoqsija ma tistax tiżdied.  Trid iddaħħal għall-inqas il-kodiċi "

msgid ""
"The redundancy check looks for tables leftover after deactivating a survey. "
"You can delete these if you no longer require them."
msgstr ""
"Il-ħarsien biex jiġu ċċekkjati tabelli żejda li tħallew wara li l-istħarriġ "
"ġie skonnetjat.  Inti tista' tħassarhom jekk m'għadekx bżonnhom iktar."

msgid "The responses table has been renamed to: "
msgstr "It-tabella tar-risposti se jkun jisimha:"

msgid "The responses to this survey are no longer available using LimeSurvey."
msgstr ""
"Ir-risposti għal dan l-istħarriġ m'għadhomx disponibbli permezz tal-"

msgid "The survey cannot be activated until these problems have been resolved."
msgstr ""
"Dan l-istħarriġ ma jistax jiġi attivat sakemm dawn il-problemi ma jiġux "

msgid "The survey you selected does not exist"
msgstr "L-istħarriġ li għażilt ma jeżistix."

msgid ""
"The text message that displays in the countdown timer during the countdown"
msgstr "Il-messaġġ li ħa jintwera fit-timer tal-countdown waqt il-countdown"

msgid ""
"The token you have provided is either not valid, or has already been used."
msgstr "It-token li tajt inti huwa invalidu jew diġa' ntuża."

msgid "The token you have provided is not valid or has already been used."
msgstr "It-token li tajt mhuwiex validu jew diġa' ġie użat."

msgid "The token you provided doesn't match the one in your session."
msgstr "It-token li tajt inti ma jaqbilx ma' dak fis-sezzjoni tiegħek."

msgid "The tokens table associated with this survey has been renamed to: "
msgstr "It-tabella ta' tokens assoċjati ma' dan l-istħarriġ ġiet imsemmija:"

msgid ""
"The tokens table has now been removed and tokens are no longer required to "
"access this survey."
msgstr ""
"It-tabella ta' tokens issa tneħħiet u t-tokens m'għadhomx bżonnjużi sabiex "
"taċċessa dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid "There are no groups available."
msgstr "M'hemmx gruppi disponibbli."

msgid ""
"There are no more questions. Please press the <Submit> button to finish this "
msgstr ""
"M'hemmx iktar mistoqsijiet.  Jekk jogħġbok agħfas fuq il-buttuna "
"<Issottometti> sabiex tlesti dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid "There are no questions in this survey"
msgstr "M'hemmx mistoqsijiet f'dan l-istħarriġ"

msgid "There are {EMAILCOUNT} emails still to be sent."
msgstr "Hemm {EMAILCOUNT} emails li jridu jintbagħtu."

msgid "There are {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} questions in this survey."
msgstr "In-numru ta' mistoqsijiet f'dan l-istħarrig huwa: {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS}"

msgid "There is 1 question in this survey"
msgstr "Hemm mistoqsija waħda f'dan l-istħarriġ"

msgid "There is already a recorded answer for this token"
msgstr "Diġa' hemm tweġiba rrekordjata għal dan it-token"

msgid ""
"There is already an entry with that exact token in the table. The same token "
"cannot be used in multiple entries."
msgstr ""
"Diġa' hemm entry bl-istess token eżatt fit-tabella.  L-istess token ma "
"jistax jintuża iktar minn darba."

msgid "There is no matching survey."
msgstr "M'hemmx stħarrig li jaqbel."

msgid ""
"There was a problem deleting the template '%s'. Please check your directory/"
"file permissions."
msgstr ""
"Kien hemm xi problemi biex titħassar it-template '%s'.  Jekk jogħġbok "
"iċċekkja l-permessi tad-direttorju/fajl."

msgid ""
"There was a problem downloading the update file. Please try to restart the "
"update process."
msgstr ""
"Kien hemm problema sabiex tiddawnlowdja l-fajl tal-aġġornament.  Jekk "
"jogħġbok erġa' ibda l-proċess tal-aġġornament."

msgid ""
"There were no eligible emails to send. This will be because none satisfied "
"the criteria of:"
msgstr ""
"Ma kienx hemm emails eliġibbli x'jinbagħtu.  Dan għaliex l-ebda waħda ma "
"ssodisfat il-kriterji ta':"

msgid "This ZIP archive contains no valid Resources files. Import failed."
msgstr ""
"Dan iż-ZIP archive ma fihx Resources fajls validi.  L-importazzjoni falliet."

msgid "This ZIP archive contains no valid template files. Import failed."
msgstr ""
"Dan iż-ZIP archive ma fihx template fajls validi.  L-importazzjoni falliet."

msgid "This file type is not allowed to be uploaded."
msgstr "Mhux permess li dan it-tip ta' fajl jiġi mpurtat."

msgid "This group description is fairly vacuous, but quite important."
msgstr ""
"Din id-deskrizzjoni ta' dan il-grupp ma fihiex wisq kontentut, iżda "

msgid "This group does not contain any question(s)."
msgstr "Dan il-grupp ma fih l-ebda mistoqsija."

msgid ""
"This is a closed-access survey, so you must supply a valid token.  Please "
"contact the administrator for assistance."
msgstr ""
"Dan l-istħarriġ għandu aċċess magħluq.  B'hekk hemm bżonn tagħti token "
"validu.  Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja l-amministratur għall-assistenza."

msgid "This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate."
msgstr ""
"Dan huwa stħarriġ ikkontrollat.  Għandek bżonn token validu sabiex "

msgid "This is a sample survey description. It could be quite long."
msgstr ""
"Dan huwa kompjun ta' deskrizzjoni tal-istħarriġ.  Id-deskrizzjoni tista' "
"tkun twila."

msgid "This is the survey end message."
msgstr "Dan hu l-messaġġ għat-tmiem l-istħarriġ."

msgid ""
"This name has already been used for this survey. You must use a unique save "
msgstr ""
"Dan l-isem diġa' ntuża għal dan l-istħarriġ.  Hemm bżonn li tuża isem uniku "
"sabiex tissejvja."

msgid "This question does not have a question 'type' set."
msgstr "Din il-mistoqsija m'għandhiex 'tip' issettjat."

msgid ""
"This question has a condition set, however the condition is based on a "
"question that appears after it."
msgstr ""
"Din il-mistoqsija għandha kundizzjoni, imma l-kundizzjoni hi bbażata fuq il-"
"mistoqsija li tidher eżatt warajha."

msgid "This question is always shown."
msgstr "Din il-mistoqsija hija dejjem murija."

msgid "This question is mandatory"
msgstr "Din il-mistoqsija hija obbligatorja"

msgid "This question requires a second answer set but none is set."
msgstr ""
"Din il-misoqsija għandha bżonn it-tieni tweġiba, iżda l-ebda tweġiba mhi "

msgid "This question requires answers, but none are set."
msgstr ""
"Din il-mistoqsija għandha bżonn it-tweġibiet, iżda l-ebda tweġiba mhi "

msgid ""
"This survey has an associated tokens table. If you delete this survey this "
"tokens table will be deleted. We recommend that you export or backup these "
"tokens before deleting this survey."
msgstr ""
"Dan l-istħarriġ għandu tabella ta' tokens assoċjati miegħu.  Jekk tħassar "
"dan l-istħarriġ, se tħassar it-tabella ta' tokens ukoll.  Aħna nirrakomandaw "
"li inti tesporta jew tagħmel sistema ta' backup qabel ma tħassar dan l-"

msgid "This survey has not been activated. There are no results to browse."
msgstr ""
"Dan l-istħarriġ ma ġiex attivat.  M'hemmx riżultati li tista' tibbrawżjahom."

msgid "This survey is active but expired."
msgstr "Dan l-istħarriġ huwa attiv iżda skada"

msgid "This survey is active but has a start date."
msgstr "Dan l-istħarriġ huwa attivat iżda għandu data biex jibda."

msgid "This survey is anonymous."
msgstr "Dan l-istħarrig huwa anonimu"

msgid "This survey is currently active."
msgstr "Dan l-istħarriġ huwa attiv bħalissa."

msgid ""
"This survey is not yet activated and so your participants won't be able to "
"fill out the survey."
msgstr ""
"Dan l-istħarriġ għadu mhux attivat u b'hekk il-parteċipanti tiegħek mhux se "
"jkunu jistgħu jimlew l-istħarriġ."

msgid "This survey is not yet active. Your response cannot be saved"
msgstr ""
"Dan l-istħarriġ għadu mhux attiv.  Ir-risposta tiegħek ma tistax tiġi "

msgid "This survey is not yet started."
msgstr "Dan l-istħarriġ għadu ma bediex."

msgid "This survey is now active, and responses can be recorded."
msgstr "Dan l-istħarriġ huwa attivat, u r-risposti jistgħu jkunu rrekordjati."

msgid "This will replace the existing text. Continue?"
msgstr "Dan se jissostitwixxi l-kitba preżenti.  Se tkompli?"

msgid "Time difference (in hours):"
msgstr "Id-differenza fil-ħin (sigħat):"

msgid "Time limit"
msgstr "Limitu ta ħin"

msgid "Time limit action"
msgstr "Azzjoni tal-limitu ta' ħin"

msgid "Time limit countdown message"
msgstr "Il-messaġġ tal-countdown tal-ħin"

msgid "Time limit disable next"
msgstr "Li jmiss hu l-iskonnettjar tal-limitu ta' ħin "

msgid "Time limit disable prev"
msgstr "Il-limitu ta' ħin skonnettjat qabel"

msgid "Time limit expiry message"
msgstr "Il-messaġġ ta' meta jiskadi l-limitu tal-ħin"

msgid "Time limit expiry message display time"
msgstr "Il-ħin li fih jintwera l-messaġġ ta' skadenza tal-limitu tal-ħin "

msgid "Time limit message CSS style"
msgstr "Il-messaġġ tal-limitu tal-ħin stil ta' CSS "

msgid "Time limit timer CSS style"
msgstr "L-arloġġ tal-limitu tal-ħin - Stil ta' CSS"

msgid "Time remaining"
msgstr "Ħin li fadal"

msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titlu"

msgid "Token"
msgstr "Token"

msgid "Token attribute descriptions were successfully updated."
msgstr "Id-deskrizzjonijiet tal-attribwit tat-token ġew aġġornati b'suċċess."

msgid "Token attribute: %s"
msgstr "L-attribut għat-token: %s"

msgid "Token code for this participant"
msgstr "Il-kodiċi tat-token għal dan il-parteċipant"

msgid "Token control"
msgstr "Il-kontroll tat-token"

msgid "Token fields"
msgstr "Token fields"

msgid "Token mismatch"
msgstr "Żbilanċ fit-token"

msgid "Total"
msgstr "Totali"

msgid "Total Errors"
msgstr "Żbalji totali"

msgid "Total Imported files"
msgstr "It-Total ta' Fajls Importati"

msgid "Total invitations sent"
msgstr "It-Total ta' stediniet mibgħuta"

msgid "Total numbers of sent reminders"
msgstr "In-numru totali ta' tfakkiriet li ntbaghtu"

msgid "Total records in survey"
msgstr "Rekords totali fl-istħarriġ"

msgid "Total records in survey:"
msgstr "It-total ta' rekords fl-istħarriġ:"

msgid "Total surveys completed"
msgstr "It-Total ta' stħarriġ lesti"

msgid "Try again"
msgstr "Erġa' pprova:"

msgid "Try to submit again"
msgstr "Erġa' pprova ssottometti"

msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "Tork"

msgid "Type in the 'name' you used to save the survey, and the password."
msgstr ""
"Ittajpja l-'isem' li użajt sabiex tissejvja dan l-istħarriġ, u l-password."

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tip:"

msgid "UCS-2 Unicode"
msgstr "UCS-2 Unicode"

msgid "UJIS for Windows Japanese"
msgstr "UJIS għall-Windows Ġappuniż"

msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

msgid "URL description:"
msgstr "Deskrizzjoni tal-URL:"

msgid "URL of the survey"
msgstr "Il-URL ta' dan l-istħarriġ"

msgid "US ASCII"
msgstr "US ASCII"

msgid "UTF-8 Unicode"
msgstr "UTF-8 Unicode"

msgid "Unable to create directory `%s`."
msgstr "Ma setax jinħoloq direttorju '%s'."

msgid "Uncertain"
msgstr "Mhux ċert"

msgid "Unchanged"
msgstr "Mingħajr tibdil"

msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aġġornament"

msgid "Update condition"
msgstr "Aġġorna l-kundizzjoni"

msgid "Update scenario"
msgstr "Aġġorna x-xenarju"

msgid "Update server busy"
msgstr "Is-server tal-aġġornament għandu wisq xogħol bħalissa"

msgid "Update token entry"
msgstr "Aġġorna d-dħul tat-token"

msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Applowdja"

msgid "Uploaded CSV file successfully"
msgstr "CSV fajl ġie applowdjat b'suċċess"

msgid "Uploading LDAP Query"
msgstr "Qed japplowdja l-Mistoqsija fuq LDAP "

msgid "Use same default value across languages:"
msgstr "Uża l-istess valur ta' default għal-lingwi:"

msgid "Use slider layout"
msgstr "Uża t-tqassim tas-slider"

msgid "User"
msgstr "Klijent/a"

msgid "User added."
msgstr "Klijent/a ġie/t miżjud/a"

msgid "User control"
msgstr "Il-Kontroll tal-klijent"

msgid "User data"
msgstr "Data tal-klijent/a"

msgid "User group successfully added!"
msgstr "Il-grupp tal-klijent ġie miżjud b'suċċess!"

msgid "User registration at '%s'"
msgstr "Ir-reġistrazzjoni tal-klijent fuq '%s'"

msgid "Username"
msgstr "Username"

msgid "Users"
msgstr "Klijenti"

msgid "Valid from"
msgstr "Validu minn"

msgid "Valid until"
msgstr "Validu sa"

msgid "Validation:"
msgstr "Validazzjoni:"

msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verżjoni"

msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr "Vjetnamiż"

msgid "View Saved but not submitted Responses"
msgstr "Biex tara r-risposti ssejvjati mhux dawk sottomessi"

msgid "View response details"
msgstr "Uri d-dettalji tar-rispons"

msgid "View statistics"
msgstr "Ara l-istatistika"

msgid "View the statistics for this survey."
msgstr "Ara l-istatistika ta' dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid "Viewing response (ID %s)"
msgstr "Se jidher ir-rispons (ID %s)"

msgid "Visit our website!"
msgstr "Żur il-websajt tagħna"

msgid "Warn and move on"
msgstr "Wissi u kompli"

msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Twissija"

msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Twissija!"

msgid ""
"Warning: You are still using the default password ('password'). Please "
"change your password and re-login again."
msgstr ""
"Twissija: Inti għadek tuża il-password issettjata bħala default "
"('password').  Jekk jogħġbok biddel il-password u erġa' lloggja."

msgid "Warnings"
msgstr "Twissijiet"

msgid "We are sorry but you are not allowed to enter this survey."
msgstr "Jiddispjaċina imma ma tistax tidħol f'dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid "We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this."
msgstr "Jiddispjaċina iżda inti m'għandekx il-permessi biex tagħmel dan."

msgid "We are sorry but your session has expired."
msgstr "Jiddispjaċina iżda s-sezzjoni tiegħek skadiet."

msgid ""
"We recommend that before you proceed, you export the entire survey from the "
"main administration screen."
msgstr ""
"Aħna nirrakkomandaw li qabel ma tkompli, tesporta l-istħarriġ kollu mill-"
"iskrin prinċipali tal-amministrazzjoni."

msgid "Welcome %s!"
msgstr "Merħba %s!"

msgid "Welcome message:"
msgstr "Messaġġ ta' Merħba:"

msgid "Welcome to %s!"
msgstr "Merħba għal % s!"

msgid "Welcome to this sample survey"
msgstr "Merħba għal dan il-kampjun tal-istħarriġ"

msgid "Welcome:"
msgstr "Merħba:"

msgid "Welsh"
msgstr "Welsh"

msgid "When an imported record matches an existing record ID:"
msgstr "Meta rekord impurtat jaqbed ma' ID ta' rekord eżistenti:"

msgid "X-Scale"
msgstr "Skala-X"

msgid "Y-Scale"
msgstr "Skala-Y"

msgid "Year"
msgstr "Sena"

msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Iva"

msgid "Yes - Delete Them!"
msgstr "Iva - Ħassarhom!"

msgid "Yes/No"
msgstr "Iva/Le"

msgid "You are about to delete all conditions on this survey's questions"
msgstr ""
"Inti se tħassar il-kundizzjonijiet kollha li hemm fil-mistoqsijiet ta' dan l-"

msgid "You are about to delete this survey"
msgstr "Dalwaqt se tħassar dan l-istħarriġ"

msgid "You are not a participant in this survey."
msgstr "Mhux qed tieħu sehem f'dan l-istħarrig"

msgid "You can load a survey that you have previously saved from this screen."
msgstr ""
"Inti tista' tillowdja stħarriġ li kont issejvjat qabel minn dan l-iskrijn."

msgid "You can use now the following credentials to log into the site:"
msgstr ""
"Issa inti tista' tuża l-kredenzjali li ġejjin sabiex tilloggja fis-sit:"

msgid "You can't copy a question if the survey is active."
msgstr "Ma tistax tikkopja mistoqsija jekk l-istħarriġ huwa attiv."

msgid "You cannot proceed until you enter some text for one or more questions."
msgstr ""
"Ma tistax tkompli sakemm ma tniżżilx xi kitba għal mistoqsija waħda jew "
"iktar minn mistoqsija waħda."

msgid ""
"You do not have the Freetype Library installed. Showing charts requires the "
"Freetype library to function properly."
msgstr ""
"M'għandekx il-Librerija Freetype installata.  Il-Librerija Freetype trid "
"tkun qed taħdem tajjeb sabiex tidher il-grafika."

msgid ""
"You do not have the GD Library installed. Showing charts requires the GD "
"library to function properly."
msgstr ""
"M'għandekx il-librerija GD installata.  Il-librerija GD trid tkun qed taħdem "
"tajjeb sabiex tidher il-grafika."

msgid "You have already completed this survey."
msgstr "Inti diġa' lestejt dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid "You have been already removed from this survey."
msgstr "Inti diġa' kont imneħħi minn dan l-istħarriġ"

msgid "You have been successfully removed from this survey."
msgstr "Inti ġejt imneħħi minn dan l-istħarriġ."

msgid "You have not selected a question"
msgstr "Ma għażiltx mistoqsija"

msgid "You have not selected a survey"
msgstr "Inti ma għażiltx stħarriġ"

msgid "You have to select at least one label set."
msgstr "Hemm bżonn li tagħżel mill-inqas sett ta' labels wieħed."

msgid "You may register for this survey if you wish to take part."
msgstr "Inti tista' tirreġistra għal dan l-istħarriġ jekk tixtieq tieħu sehem."

msgid "You must be registered to complete this survey"
msgstr "Hemm bżonn li tkun irreġistrat biex tkompli dan l-istħarriġ"

msgid "You must supply a name for this saved session."
msgstr "Hemm bżonn li tagħti isem għal din is-sezzjoni li ssejvjajt"

msgid "You must supply a password for this saved session."
msgstr "Hemm bżonn li tagħti password għal din is-sezzjoni li ssejvjajt"

msgid "You need to add question groups"
msgstr "Hemm bżonn li żżid gruppi ta' mistoqsijiet "

msgid "You need to add questions"
msgstr "Hemm bżonn iżżid il-mistoqsijiet"

msgid "You should have a great time doing this"
msgstr "Għandek tieħu gost tagħmel dan"

msgid ""
"You should only activate a survey when you are absolutely certain that your "
"survey setup is finished and will not need changing."
msgstr ""
"Għandek tattiva l-istħarriġ meta tkun ċert li s-setup tal-istħarriġ huwa "
"lest u m'għandux bżonn xi tibdil."

msgid "Your Choices"
msgstr "L-Għazliet Tiegħek"

msgid ""
"Your LimeSurvey installation is checked if the update can be run "
msgstr ""
"L-installazzjoni tal-LimeSurvey tiegħek hija ċċekkjata jekk l-aġġornament "
"jista' jirranja b'suċċess."

msgid "Your Ranking"
msgstr "Il-Grad Tiegħek"

msgid "Your answer"
msgstr "Ir-risposta tiegħek"

msgid ""
"Your browser reports that it was used previously to answer this survey. We "
"are resetting the session so that you can start from the beginning."
msgstr ""
"Il-brawżer tiegħek jirrapporta li kien użat qabel sabiex twieġeb dan l-"
"istħariġ.  Aħna qed nirrisettjaw is-sezzjoni sabiex inti tkun tista' tibda "
"mill-bidu nett."

msgid ""
"Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named \"data\", the "
"variable.labels are attributes of data (\"attributes(data)$variable.labels"
"\"), like for foreign:read.spss."
msgstr ""
"Id-data tiegħek għandha tkun importata issa, id-data.frame jisimha \"data\", "
"il-variable.labels huma attribwiti tad-data (\"attributes(data)$variable."
"labels\"), bħal foreign:read.spss."

msgid "Your passwords do not match."
msgstr "Il-passwords tiegħek ma jaqblux."

msgid "Your personal settings were successfully saved."
msgstr "Is-settings personali tiegħek ġew issejvjati b'suċċess."

msgid ""
"Your responses have not been lost and have been emailed to the survey "
"administrator and will be entered into our database at a later point."
msgstr ""
"Ir-risposti tiegħek ma ġewx mitlufa u ntbagħtu f'email lill-amministratur "
"tal-istħarriġ u se jitniżżlu fid-database tagħna aktar tard."

msgid "Your responses were successfully saved."
msgstr "Ir-risposti tiegħek ġew issejvjati b'suċċess."

msgid ""
"Your survey can export associated token data with each response. Select any "
"additional fields you would like to export."
msgstr ""
"L-istħarriġ tiegħek jista' jesporta token data assoċjati ma' kull risposta.  "
"Agħżel fields oħra li tixtieq tesporta."

msgid "Your survey responses have been recorded."
msgstr "It-tweġibiet tal-istħarriġ tiegħek ġew irrekordjati."

msgid ""
"Your survey responses have been saved successfully.  You will be sent a "
"confirmation e-mail. Please make sure to save your password, since we will "
"not be able to retrieve it for you."
msgstr ""
"Ir-risposti tiegħek għall-istħarriġ ġew ssejvjati b'suċċess.  Se tirċievi e-"
"mail biex tikkonferma dan.  Jekk jogħġbok kun cert/a li tissejvja l-password "
"tiegħek, għax aħna ma nistgħux nakkwistawlek il-password."

msgid "Your survey was successfully saved."
msgstr "L-istħarriġ tiegħek ġie ssejvjat b'suċċess."

msgid ""
"Your survey will be saved using that name and password, and can be completed "
"later by logging in with the same name and password."
msgstr ""
"L-istħarriġ tiegħek se jkun issejvjat bl-istess isem u password, u jista' "
"jitkompla iktar tard billi tilloggja bl-istess isem u password."

msgid "Your time to answer this question has expired"
msgstr "Il-ħin tiegħek sabiex twieġeb din il-mistoqsija għadda"

msgid ""
"Your time to answer this question has nearly expired. You have {TIME} "
msgstr ""
"Il-ħin tiegħek sabiex twieġeb din il-mistoqsija kważi għadda. Fadallek "

msgid "Your update key is invalid and was removed. "
msgstr "Il-key aġġornata tiegħek hija invalida u ġiet mneħħija."

msgid "Your user data for accessing %s"
msgstr "Il-user data tiegħek sabiex taċċessa %s"

msgid "and"
msgstr "u"

msgid "equals"
msgstr "daqs"

msgid "having a token"
msgstr "ikun hemm token"

msgid "having a valid email address"
msgstr "ikollu l-indirizz tal-email validu"

msgid "hh:mm"
msgstr "ss:mm"

msgid "hours"
msgstr "sigħat"

msgid "minitab method"
msgstr "Metodu minitab "

msgid "mins"
msgstr "minuti"

msgid "not having been sent an invitation already"
msgstr "meta l-istedina tkun għada ma ntbagħtitx"

msgid "or"
msgstr "jew"

msgid "quota language settings"
msgstr "Kwota tas-settings tal-lingwa"

msgid "quota members"
msgstr "kwota tal-membri"

msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekondi"

msgid ""
"this is an automated email to notify that a user has been created for you on "
"the site '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Din hi email awtomatizzata sabiex tinnotifika li user/klijent ġie maħluq "
"għalik fuq is-sit '%s'."

msgid "visit for more information"
msgstr ""
"Mur fuq għal iktar informazzjoni"
mt.po (98,848 bytes)   
Bug heat2
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)3.28.1+220229
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionMariaDB
Server OS (if known)
Webserver software & version (if known)
PHP Version7.4.28

Users monitoring this issue

There are no users monitoring this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-03-23 15:18 matthewpulis New Issue
2022-03-23 15:18 matthewpulis File Added: mt.po
2022-03-24 10:44 galads Assigned To => galads
2022-03-24 10:44 galads Status new => acknowledged
2022-05-04 08:29 galads Assigned To galads => gabrieljenik
2022-05-04 08:29 galads Status acknowledged => assigned
2022-05-04 19:31 gabrieljenik Status assigned => ready for testing
2022-05-04 19:31 gabrieljenik Note Added: 69393
2022-05-04 19:31 gabrieljenik Bug heat 0 => 2
2022-07-05 19:34 gabrieljenik Status ready for testing => feedback
2022-07-05 19:34 gabrieljenik Note Added: 70752